say something about ... yourself!

We're all assholes at times. Acknowledging that and trying to somehow fix whatever you fucked up is what, I think, makes us able to become better people. Meh.
It is possible to be an asshole every once in a while by abusing people's good intentions. Now what.
I know man, but do you see the pattern? If I had done all that for someone and she treated me like she has treated you, I'd be fucking livid. Can you think of things she has done for you? Probably not. There's your answer.

John, it's time to take your balls out and stop being such a nice guy. That doesn't mean you're an asshole, it just means that you're not going to be taken advantage of. Nice guys have this shit happen to them because girls know they wouldn't be able to get away with it with a guy who would put them in their place. Looks like it's time to put her in her place.

You're absolutely right. I'll do it.
It is possible to be an asshole every once in a while by abusing people's good intentions. Now what.
Yes, and we all make mistakes or do petty things. Difference between decent people and the kind John is dealing with is that decent people feel guilty about doing those things, or at the very least know that what they do is wrong and selfish. The other kind simply thinks that abusing people's feelings or good intentions is justified because they're "suckers".
I don't know...she's kind of like that with everyone. She has never been gracious. She also put up with my bullshit when I was going through my zanax addiction. I think she...just doesn't understand when she's being rude.
Oh I'm sure it's a lack of understanding. Those people never really understand that you're aching from that kind of behaviour. They wouldn't stop if they understood, but at least they'd realize that what they do is wrong. But when the only person you think about is yourself, it's hard to consider the feelings of others.
People usually don't realize it because they've never had it happen to them. I think if John shows her what kind of a person she is by cutting her off, it may open her eyes a bit.
People usually don't realize it because they've never had it happen to them. I think if John shows her what kind of a person she is by cutting her off, it may open her eyes a bit.
True, but people like those are very hard to teach, because you can't get treated the way they treat people unless you make an emotional investment, and that's something those people rarely, if ever, do.
But you know, it's so easy to point the finger at Americans for it, where really, the French, Germans, Italians and pretty much everyone else does the same thing overseas... Do you know how many rude Italian tourist I have came across? Comparing everything to Italy? and shall I even bother with the French? They are all the same.. But everyone just loves to hate on those "dumb" Americans who act like asses overseas.
Truth is, while that might be true, and I have met some rude Americans in my travels, I hardly think it's the majority.

Sorry baby, it's easily the majority. American's don't go abroad as much, which is reflected by their immaturity whilst abroad.

And I don't live in Italy (I am moving there in two weeks, actually), but I've been there more times than I can count, and I've also hosted Italians who had previously never been to America at my house in the USA, and they're pretty polite. They comepare cultures, sure, but not in the 'things are better in Italy' sense; just the opposite actually, as they tend to be awestruck by everything America has to offer. I guess, thinking about it, the only time I've heard them speak ethnocentrically is in conversations about food. And Italians are, indeed, fucking allowed to say their food is superior. Because it is.
Yeah Italians actually tend to be pretty caustic when referencing Italy, very brutally honest. I've never met a single Italian who has never uttered the phrase, "Italia: che paese di merda", or something along those lines.

It comes more from frustration because it really could be the greatest place in the world if it weren't for, well, the people. They feel that they don't deserve to have a decent government due to the fact they themselves vote into office these morons such as Berlusconi...several times. The point is they accept and are proud of all the great things about this country while at the same time bearing full responsibility for all the shitty things, while in the states we always say, "WE did this and WE did that" when referencing something positive the US has done, even if they had nothing to do with it. On the other hand, we always put the blame on other people when we fuck things up such as, "It's the GOVERNMENT'S/MEDIA'S fault, not MY OWN responsibility". Our ridiculous habit of suing people for everything is a prime example.
Coulnd't see one of the best events of the year in DC today.
This has been a depressing day of being stuck on an overloading, over-packed metro platform for over an hour, with trains that run on weekend schedule, that won't even stop at my stop for being wayyyyy too PACKED with people, and at the end, gave up and went home, along with about a 1000 other people.
First, we couldn't even get ON the platform from the escalator because there was simply no more room for more people on the platform, then finally made my way on it,
and the trains that went by wouldn't even stop... packed completely with masses.
I don't think I have seen anything like this in DC, not even on 4th of July.
I can't believe I could not get into my own city... Was watching the rally at home live on TV... BUMMED!!! :(
It's pouring down rain outside and we're going to have a barbecue tonight :kickass: It's gonna be awesome, we're doing a burger bar. We;re going to cook up basically every single burger ingredient we can think of make custom burgers all night long. Definitely taking my camera for this one!

Also John, forger about her, man. I know it's hard to do with long time friends, but I think part of growing up around the age you're at now is realizing that sometimes that's the only course of action in order to maintain your own quality of life. The way you described how this girl acts now leads me to believe that she's just been using you the whole time (even if you did those things out of the kindness of your heart for her, she still manipulated you into it in a way). Had she not been using you and actually cared enough about you as a friend the way that you care about her, she'd have gotten your controller back to you.

I agree with Stormo, let this one go and chalk it up a lesson learned, albeit the hard way. Stay away from women like that. Don't believe DW when he says they're all like that, because they certainly aren't. But they do exist and should be avoided.
Coulnd't see one of the best events of the year in DC today.
This has been a depressing day of being stuck on an overloading, over-packed metro platform for over an hour, with trains that run on weekend schedule, that won't even stop at my stop for being wayyyyy too PACKED with people, and at the end, gave up and went home, along with about a 1000 other people.
First, we couldn't even get ON the platform from the escalator because there was simply no more room for more people on the platform, then finally made my way on it,
and the trains that went by wouldn't even stop... packed completely with masses.
I don't think I have seen anything like this in DC, not even on 4th of July.
I can't believe I could not get into my own city... Was watching the rally at home live on TV... BUMMED!!! :(

ah...the colbert bump. figured it was gonna be packed to hell. still woulda gone if I could leave the state.
Coulnd't see one of the best events of the year in DC today.
This has been a depressing day of being stuck on an overloading, over-packed metro platform for over an hour, with trains that run on weekend schedule, that won't even stop at my stop for being wayyyyy too PACKED with people, and at the end, gave up and went home, along with about a 1000 other people.
First, we couldn't even get ON the platform from the escalator because there was simply no more room for more people on the platform, then finally made my way on it,
and the trains that went by wouldn't even stop... packed completely with masses.
I don't think I have seen anything like this in DC, not even on 4th of July.
I can't believe I could not get into my own city... Was watching the rally at home live on TV... BUMMED!!! :(

It was pretty neat once I got to a place where I could hear (forget seeing anything). I'm mostly bummed that the bars I wanted to check out afterwards had lines going outside. Took an earlier bus home.

Also, you were totally right about cell reception at the Mall. Though it might have had something to do with how many people were there. I couldn't receive anything, and I don't know if you got like 5 texts of the same thing from me, because I kept on getting "failed to send message".
^ Yeah Max, usually I do not have reception on the Mall, but yesterday the network crashed! I got about 7 texts from different friends that were there in a row from 2 hours before I got them,
and I think you never got my texts on time telling you I am stuck on the platform because after texting you how bad it is, I got a text from you asking "are you here yet?" LOL
They said on the news that the rally made the network crashed from too many people using their phones at the same time..

Also, there are a lot of angry critics towards the metro, that FAILED completely. I blame them for the mess there was yesterday with the trains. They are fully prepared to run on rush-hour mode,
yet they decided yesterday to run on Saturday schedule... this caused the city so many problems yesterday, now they are "investigating"
Fuck 'em. Can't believe I missed this due to fucking metro...

My friend told me it took her almost 4 hours to get home btw, and she lives right across the river from DC near me! ... wow.
had a road trip to LA this weekend which had amazing parts which i'll always remember but was partially ruined by the random stupid shit my other band members did i should've expected as much.

Suffocation was seriously amazing though, I still can't comprehend how they've been at it so long yet still play such complex shit while rocking out and their singer has the energy to pace all over the stage staring the crowd right in the eye and doing the finger blast beats; talk about fucking great charisma. They need to play in SF more often because every time I've seen them I'm just left wanting more (especially since only their new album is kinda bad and they play 2 songs tops from that).

Our set was pretty cool and even though the venue wasn't full or anything there were a lot of people there who moshed, did a sick wall of death, were headbanging like crazy, giving us the horns when i went up to the front of the stage and looked at them and we did crazy stage shit and rocked out like beasts (the only negative aspect was the soundcheck wasn't too thought out because of time constraints and i was anxious to play so the PA was dominated by an annoyingly loud kickdrum, snare and my vocals (and a not very solid kickdrum makes for a fucking mind numbingly annoying sound). However after our set the promoter said we were great as well as about 7 people that came at different times but were all praising us like crazy and seemed fucking psyched that i gave them free cds. Hearing that kind of stuff and having shows that are that fun to play really make all the bullshit I deal with (and there's enough of it to clog the worlds biggest toilet) totally worth it, especially knowing people enjoy our set in the show instead of being bored like i was as a kid with most local bands and then later they listen to our cd over a more established band.

anyway long rant over, videos of the crazyness and pictures of my hair flowing everywhere while i rock the fuck out to come later!
Operation:Regain masculinity I never really had to begin with is undergo.

Told aforementioned bitch she's a bitch, right in front of her punk boyfriend. And I'm still good friends with her mother and neighbor.

Then, I asked out simple minded but cute girl I met recently. She likes Blackwater Park, Katatonia and Nflaymz, not much to write home about but to me that's mind blowing and rare.

I love ya, Neverboard. I truly respect you guys and the advice you give me.