say something about ... yourself!

Oh my goodness...I might be having sex for the second time this weekend.

This chick is a few years older than me, haven't seen her since she was my neighbor years ago. She asked me if I wanted to play pool or something this weekend, then mentioned maybe she'll buy a bottle.
Sounds to me like you're getting your hopes up a bit there. A girl who wants to play pool with you isn't the same as a girl who wants sex. It's not because she acts interested, that she'll put out just like that.

I have my fingers crossed. I won't set myself up for disappointment, though. It sounds like she wants to mate, right?
No. It sounds like she wants to play pool and drink.

Also, "mate"? Come on, man.
This is where being a nice guy will actually pay off, John. It really does sound like she just wants to play pool and have fun, so go out with the mindset that you'll be coming home alone and just have a good time with her and enjoy her company. If you like her and you'd like to do it again, send her a message later the next day telling her you had a good time and ask her if she'd like to do it again soon, but this time let her choose. What you'll accomplish by doing this is letting her know you're interested, you're a decent guy, and that you're interested in getting to know her better by letting her choose the next date or whatever. If she's one of those, "oh I don't care, whatever you want to do", DO NOT repeat what she just said. Have a backup plan like the movies or a concert or even just hanging out at your house. You'll be taking charge of the situation, showing her you're a decisive person but also a nice guy.

Nice guys finish last with bitches, cunts, manipulators, abused women, and attention whores. If she's none of those, she'll appreciate both your honesty and your courtesy and you probably wouldn't want to hang out with her if she were one of the aforementioned girls anyway.
This is where being a nice guy will actually pay off, John. It really does sound like she just wants to play pool and have fun, so go out with the mindset that you'll be coming home alone and just have a good time with her and enjoy her company. If you like her and you'd like to do it again, send her a message later the next day telling her you had a good time and ask her if she'd like to do it again soon, but this time let her choose. What you'll accomplish by doing this is letting her know you're interested, you're a decent guy, and that you're interested in getting to know her better by letting her choose the next date or whatever. If she's one of those, "oh I don't care, whatever you want to do", DO NOT repeat what she just said. Have a backup plan like the movies or a concert or even just hanging out at your house. You'll be taking charge of the situation, showing her you're a decisive person but also a nice guy.

Nice guys finish last with bitches, cunts, manipulators, abused women, and attention whores. If she's none of those, she'll appreciate both your honesty and your courtesy and you probably wouldn't want to hang out with her if she were one of the aforementioned girls anyway.

this. so fucking much. great post :)
Yep, good advice. Don't go out there with high hopes, just have an attitude of, "I'm going to have a good time with this girl, and then we'll see." This has two advantages: it saves you the disappointment if things don't work out as well as you'd hoped, and (and this is most important), it'll allow you to act far more naturally by taking off the pressure. Don't get insecure, clingy or try to act tough, just act natural and let things happen as they do.
Also don't be fooled by her apparent "simple-mindedness". For some reason young American girls think it's chic to act like a complete and total retard. A lot of girls do that as a defense mechanism so they don't have to open up and become vulnerable. You might be pleasantly surprised once you get to know her. Girls can be incredibly insecure so it's up to you to promote an environment where she can relax and be herself, and the best way to do that is to simply be YOURSELF.

You're an honorable, genuinely good guy and she should know that.