say something about ... yourself!

Also don't be fooled by her apparent "simple-mindedness". For some reason young American girls think it's chic to act like a complete and total retard. A lot of girls do that as a defense mechanism so they don't have to open up and become vulnerable. You might be pleasantly surprised once you get to know her. Girls can be incredibly insecure so it's up to you to promote an environment where she can relax and be herself, and the best way to do that is to simply be YOURSELF.

You're an honorable, genuinely good guy and she should know that.

or just fist pump.

...I'd like to apologize in advance. sorry. :D
Was mnding my own business in a park, listening to Tool, then some creepy drunk guy named Tom sits next to me and tries to get in my pants, wtf. almost had to get violent...currently escaping downtown alltogether
debt collector completely wrecked me. they took $402 out of my account, 5 days after the day that they said they were going to. i paid my rent, but the collector took it out before the rent people could. So, now I owe $460 to the rent people, +35 for the NSF fee in my bank, then 75 I have $55 now. Laura's giving me $150, my grandparents are giving me $100. so, there's $305.

460 + 75 = 535. I need to find $230 today.
I had a dream where eyes were being made with this:


But dating the IRL version of this:


It was a good dream.
Yay Emily! Is it an office job?

I'm needing a temporary job over the holidays, preferably somewhere near school, and I remembered a train exhibit they have every year at a mall right down the train tracks. Wasn't sure how to apply so I emailed the information desk at the mall. They emailed back saying that the train exhibit only takes volunteers, but that THEY (info desk, concierge, whatever you want to call it) have a seasonal opening. Job interview tomorrow!
Yay Emily! Is it an office job?

I'm needing a temporary job over the holidays, preferably somewhere near school, and I remembered a train exhibit they have every year at a mall right down the train tracks. Wasn't sure how to apply so I emailed the information desk at the mall. They emailed back saying that the train exhibit only takes volunteers, but that THEY (info desk, concierge, whatever you want to call it) have a seasonal opening. Job interview tomorrow!

Congrats! Don't you just love when things work out?

It is an office job. I'll be dealing with people over the phones, but I forget what else goes into it. :tickled: