say something about ... yourself!

Twas appendicitis indeed. I just got home from the hospital with one less useless organ than I had when I went in! All is fine, minus a lil pain in my guts from the incisions, but the Percocet helps that :)

The worst part of all of this is I have to miss jiu-jitsu practice for a couple weeks haha.
I hate running out of ways to spread my music; I've used facebook, myspace, signmeto, youtube, blogs, torrent sites,, official forum, posting it on tons of forums, passing out cds at shows, playing shows; I need some new ideas. Also our guitarist is being a douche and bitches at me how my promo does nothing (except all fans/recognition/people hearing our music has been from my internet promo) and is like a drop in the ocean since we're not a "professional band". it's really fucking annoying when people do that shit saying how it doesn't matter since we're not signed to some huge label or doing huge tours, how do you expect to get there if you don't promote every way possible, put everything you have into music and just love the feeling of spreading your music in hopes of gaining new fans?

I remember derek said he liked one of our EP's and I have a feeling that if it weren't for me talking about our music on the internet there's no way some guy all the way across the globe would've somehow found out about our EP. If anyone has any new promo ideas for me that'd be much appreciated and if you agree with me and my promo stuff let me know that i'm not just crazy!
I hate running out of ways to spread my music; I've used facebook, myspace, signmeto, youtube, blogs, torrent sites,, official forum, posting it on tons of forums, passing out cds at shows, playing shows; I need some new ideas. Also our guitarist is being a douche and bitches at me how my promo does nothing (except all fans/recognition/people hearing our music has been from my internet promo) and is like a drop in the ocean since we're not a "professional band". it's really fucking annoying when people do that shit saying how it doesn't matter since we're not signed to some huge label or doing huge tours, how do you expect to get there if you don't promote every way possible, put everything you have into music and just love the feeling of spreading your music in hopes of gaining new fans?

I remember derek said he liked one of our EP's and I have a feeling that if it weren't for me talking about our music on the internet there's no way some guy all the way across the globe would've somehow found out about our EP. If anyone has any new promo ideas for me that'd be much appreciated and if you agree with me and my promo stuff let me know that i'm not just crazy!

YEP! I'd never have heard about you guys without you offering the EP for d/l here on the forum. Still dig that EP.
I hate running out of ways to spread my music; I've used facebook, myspace, signmeto, youtube, blogs, torrent sites,, official forum, posting it on tons of forums, passing out cds at shows, playing shows; I need some new ideas. Also our guitarist is being a douche and bitches at me how my promo does nothing (except all fans/recognition/people hearing our music has been from my internet promo) and is like a drop in the ocean since we're not a "professional band". it's really fucking annoying when people do that shit saying how it doesn't matter since we're not signed to some huge label or doing huge tours, how do you expect to get there if you don't promote every way possible, put everything you have into music and just love the feeling of spreading your music in hopes of gaining new fans?

I remember derek said he liked one of our EP's and I have a feeling that if it weren't for me talking about our music on the internet there's no way some guy all the way across the globe would've somehow found out about our EP. If anyone has any new promo ideas for me that'd be much appreciated and if you agree with me and my promo stuff let me know that i'm not just crazy!

For demo bands like our bands there is no magical way. It's all hard work pretty much, getting out to one listener at a time. We've finally started getting some random people we don't know playing our stuff on, and just five or six people doing that feels like a step in the right direction. I suppose you just need to explain that to your retarded band member :)
Twas appendicitis indeed. I just got home from the hospital with one less useless organ than I had when I went in! All is fine, minus a lil pain in my guts from the incisions, but the Percocet helps that :)

The worst part of all of this is I have to miss jiu-jitsu practice for a couple weeks haha.

Good to hear babe! Now you're one organ less, but not any less awesome <3

Will be seeing Orphaned Land filming as well in a month.

Im actually jealous... they'll have Steven Wilson as guest star, and also Greg McKintosh from Paradise Lost (and also Yehuda Poliker... legendary Israeli singer ;) ) I would have LOVED to see this show!

Speaking of shows... saw Forbidden 2 days ago, THEY RULED
and next week, i'll be joining them and Overkill for two days during this tour: Monday in Baltimore and Tuesday in Richmond VA. mini tour but not mini-the-fun ;) Can't wait!
Im actually jealous... they'll have Steven Wilson as guest star, and also Greg McKintosh from Paradise Lost (and also Yehuda Poliker... legendary Israeli singer ;) ) I would have LOVED to see this show!
Yes, I'm very excited. These are actually two separate shows that'll be filmed, with the only differences in the set being the songs where they host one of the other dudes.
Hope the DVD turns out good and gets released soon.
For demo bands like our bands there is no magical way. It's all hard work pretty much, getting out to one listener at a time. We've finally started getting some random people we don't know playing our stuff on, and just five or six people doing that feels like a step in the right direction. I suppose you just need to explain that to your retarded band member :)
