say something about ... yourself!


we haven't had snow this early since forever, it always usually comes after new years D:

how will I get to work now

Teleportation may be your only means! Or just buy a snow shovel! :P Thats odd, i imagined Sweden (even that part of it) would get snow earlier than January. Hell, even we get snow earlier than that! Good luck with that, dont eat the yellow snow.

recently i've been feeling really fucking unstable and insane; all my schoolwork, work and band stuff is really getting to me. I keep working on the album constantly and am the only one in the band really paying for it and working on it and i keep having these horrible ideas that it's going to flop and be shitty and everyone will hate it and it'll get worse reviews than our older stuff and be considered a step back. most of the problems are even out of my control too so fretting about them is retarded but man i wish i had the nonchalance of a band like In Flames that can release albums people hate and not give a fuck about it.
recently i've been feeling really fucking unstable and insane; all my schoolwork, work and band stuff is really getting to me. I keep working on the album constantly and am the only one in the band really paying for it and working on it and i keep having these horrible ideas that it's going to flop and be shitty and everyone will hate it and it'll get worse reviews than our older stuff and be considered a step back. most of the problems are even out of my control too so fretting about them is retarded but man i wish i had the nonchalance of a band like In Flames that can release albums people hate and not give a fuck about it.

Dude, don't worry about it. Concentrate on school and work because that's probably going to dictate your future, even though as much as you hate to admit it, playing thrash metal probably won't.

Also, you're in a thrash band...a good thrash band. Let's be honest: metalheads like it loud, fast, heavy, and with lots of headbanging. Unless you're going off in some brand-new, avante-garde, progressive direction, it's a safe bet that the people you're playing in front of will like it just fine as long as you don't drastically change your sound. Metalheads, especially thrash metalheads, typically aren't worried about the integrity of your direction as long as it's metuhl. Just play what you want, man.

In any case, is there really that much of a difference between polka beats over double kick, fast tremolo and triplet picking and sweeping solos in one song and polka beats over double kick, fast tremolo and triplet picking and sweeping solos in another song? It's thrash metal, mang. Fuck it. Just fuckin' rip it up.
I'm pretty exhausted, but since I'm off for the next 2 nights, I'm just going to do my best to finish editing my band's live videos, writing this new song (not Goddamn Zombie related), and watching Louis CK's new special on Epix until I pass out.
Some pretty crazy shit happened last week, so I am so fucking thankful to be alive and breathing lately.
Got another seasonal job interview tomorrow! I really, REALLY didn't expect to hear back from this place because I randomly sent them my resume without knowing if they were even hiring at all. But I did hear back and they have a seasonal opening! It's a knick knack store, soooo easy to get to, and they're not open late! Wow!
I'm not even going to bother mentioning I relapsed, I'm sure everyones figured that out already.

Instead, I found the name of that disease my friend has. Congentianal Ichthyosis Erythroderma
relapsed onto what? some drugs it honestly doesn't even matter; alcohol is by far one of the most dangerous drugs even drinking it in moderate quantities. I take adderall for add and klonopin for anxiety (although i take that not nearly as much now) and it doesn't mess me up anymore than 3 beers in a night or 2 cups of coffee in the morning would. even stuff like painkillers aren't really bad for you unless you get super addicted in which case the danger of overdose or problems from snorting, smoking or shooting are the negative consequences.

don't try to quit everything at once or you'll relapse and fail, take small steps and ween off things and go for short proximal goals and you'll be better off.
relapsed onto what? some drugs it honestly doesn't even matter; alcohol is by far one of the most dangerous drugs even drinking it in moderate quantities. I take adderall for add and klonopin for anxiety (although i take that not nearly as much now) and it doesn't mess me up anymore than 3 beers in a night or 2 cups of coffee in the morning would. even stuff like painkillers aren't really bad for you unless you get super addicted in which case the danger of overdose or problems from snorting, smoking or shooting are the negative consequences.

don't try to quit everything at once or you'll relapse and fail, take small steps and ween off things and go for short proximal goals and you'll be better off.

I relapsed when I pulled a bitch move on Will and Laura. I'm truly sorry for your lots.

It was bars, xanax, vodka, and coke.
I'm not even going to bother mentioning I relapsed, I'm sure everyones figured that out already.
It was bars, xanax, vodka, and coke.
