say something about ... yourself!

Wouldn't posting on a forum be socializing?

finally, today is one of those good days.

I had 3 clients (all of which were on time), owned some dude in a debate about supplements and got hella rep, got interviewed by an aspiring personal trainer, used my employee discount to get literally half the price of GNC on a supplement (35 instead of 70 fuck yeah), didn't have to take a 2 hour BART ride to an interview because they're going to call me instead, learned about a project last minute this morning and finished it and turned it in and now i have the rest of the day off to lift weights and play guitar until computers class tonight.

there are so few of these days but man when they come along they fucking rule.
I feel like John saying this but I finally decided to sack up, I'm going to ask out this really cute girl who I've trained a couple times at my gym on Friday, I'm pretty anxious. When I called her to talk about doing some sessions she said she was really happy to hear from me and whenever I train her she blushes and giggles and looks away so I think she digs me, now I just gotta hope she doesn't have a bf or something because getting shot down would be pretty brutal (although I'm not emo enough to dwell on it if it happened).
Go for're kind've in already. The only thing that would sorta ruin you getting to know her more after asking is if she says she has a boyfriend. But in case she does have one and you don't know how it'll be between you two after that as far as things progressing with you and her, you can hold off and try to "steal her". Fuck it though, this sounds like a great thing, ask her!
I don't know if I already posted some of this but man this week is fucking kicking ass! I'm really excited about asking that girl out on friday (really hoping she says yes but if she doesn't it's not the end of the world), I got offered a THIRD job so now I teach muay thai at one gym, am a personal trainer at Bally ,am up for another job teaching muay thai at another gym (with far higher pay than my other one since it's at a super expensive and high end gym in the rich part of the east bay area) and I sold $200 in training today! I have a ton of appointments scheduled, people who are going to buy training confirmed (the 200 is just a start and was paid in full which is always good) and I talked to the label we're going to release our new album on and it's going to be really great, personal and we're even going to get some money to pay for promo for once!

it's pretty crazy how so many months of shit can go by and then one week just starts kicking so much ass, it really reminds me that everything in life is temporary and will change. it's hard to remind myself of that in hard times but it's the truth and it really does help push you through.