say something about ... yourself!

Good to hear, A. Your Dad believed in you, and I'm sure you've already done him proud. Fun-sized chocolate bullshit is boss.

I'm sitting in San Francisco International Airport, waiting at the gate for my flight to New York, more than a little disappointed that I wasn't groped by the TSA. They could've at least slapped my butt.

Crossword time.
Watched my Dad die after a battle with cancer yesterday, quite possibly one of the most distressing things I've ever witnessed. After a while when it was apparent he was just waiting to die and shallowly breathing while spazzing I wanted to punch the nurse in the face and scream at her JUST GIVE HIM EVERYTHING, MORPHINE, ATIVAN, FLEXIRIL, JUST LET HIM GO IN A VELVET SLEEP but they had procedures and all sorts of bullshit. I know its irrational but fuck it just made me mad. I know he wasn't in pain or anything and having his whole family by his side is what he would've wanted but still it all just infuriated me.

Really fucked me up seeing that and him in that condition but I feel a bit better now and even though a lot of it is probably still repressed, I feel it pushes me forward to do everything he'd want me to do. When he saw that my band had a small piece in Terrorizer he was overjoyed and the news of my new jobs in personal training and future success made him really happy so I'm going to push even harder to accomplish everything and more. I'll be a physical therapist, top personal trainer, frontman of a huge metal band; I'm already on my way so it's not just a stupid dream, with this drive I know I can do it for me and to make him proud. R.I.P Dad.

Mine died of Cancer back in May. You're doing a great job dealing with this man, it's gonna get harder before it gets easier but I know you can get through it.

It does sound cheesy to spend every minute with a person you can, but it's true. I'm ashamed to say during my fathers last week of life I was so busy with work I only called him once. We spoke for a second, he told me they were doing test and if I could call him back, which I did not.

Part of me still thinks I killed him. You're were a great son and a great person to be with him until the end.
I'm starting to hope Will was right, this season of Dexter is awful.

Quin needs to die. I fucking hated this guy right from the start.

Deb needs to die, in real life too for being such an annoying actress.

Lumen needs to die. Or go away.
Does anyone else thinks Deb looks a like a horse? I think she might be a tranny too. It's totally lacking in the woman's assets department. No tits, no boobs. At least every woman has one or the other.
This season started out very slowly, but after the last 2 episodes, it's finally picking up (after what... 8 episodes into the season? lol).

Nothing can top Season 4, so I'm trying to deal with the loss of Trinity the best I can. :tickled: I kinda want Dexter to get caught, so i don't have to worry about whether or not Season 6 will be good.