say something about ... yourself!

Walking Dead. So far its been pretty awesome, and more or less faithful to the graphic novel series (which I recommend even more).

Nikita on CW is also pretty good, but in a different more mindless entertaining way.
Quick peek into the current status of my refrigerator :)

So I have a fucking wisdom tooth coming it. Worst timing ever. I might be able to see a dentist in the next couple days, which means I'll be laid out for all of thanksgiving, or I won't be and I'll be miserable the whole time.
Max - never got around to reading more of The Walking Dead. Soon. This is kinda one of those things where I actually have to buy it, because downloading PDF files just isn't the same.

I wait for the hardcover versions to come out and buy those. Both the comic and TV show are pretty damn sweet.

Anyone think Michael Rooker's character will end up being "The Governor"? It would make sense, give a bit of a nice background to that character and give more cause to our fearless sheriff's run in with said character later on.

They would have to figure out how to fit the Governor's daughter into the plot though...overall, it would work out great.
i don't understand why they didn't just translate the original swedish title "män som hatar kvinnor" (men who hates women) ... i mean "the girl with the dragon tatoo", wtf?

I read somewhere that for the American bookstores (maybe not just only American) the title had to be changed to the current one to sound "sexier." definitely sounds more accessible I guess. I mean when I saw the book at bookstores, I was like "hmm...maybe that's a book like the 'Twilight' series" judging by the name...
I think I successfully asked the girl out today. After the training session was over I was talking to her and mentioned how it was a bummer that the sessions were over and we wouldn't be hanging out anymore because hanging out and training with her was really fun and she's chill and interesting, then I asked if she'd like to hang out with me sometime outside of the gym to which she said yes. I said awesome and said that I'd call her and she said cool and mentioned that I already have her phone number and can call her and she asked about my number because I had called her from 2 different numbers in the past so I gave her the correct number.

Obviously she could have a boyfriend or something and just think I was asking to be friends but it seemed pretty obvious I was asking her out (at least to me). I'm going to give her a call in a couple days to invite her out and hopefully then it'll be clear whats up; I'm hoping for the best because not often do I meet a smart, funny, interesting, attractive and close to my same age girl that is single and into me. If she does have a boyfriend that'd be a huge bummer because I'm really digging her but she'd still be a cool friend and would add to my list of girls that I am friendzoned with, my favorite zone of all :bah:
Thanks yeah I'm pretty excited, I hardly ever meet girls that I'm really into in terms of personality and attraction and potentially getting a chance with one is a pretty big positive in my week. I still wish I could read minds or ask girls what they're thinking though, if she just wants to hang out with me and be friends or something and I totally misread it or continue to misread it that'd be pretty awkward and shitty but you can't just straight up ask any of those questions so you have to rely on little signs and social cues which aren't exactly crystal clear.