say something about ... yourself!

My sisters ex-boyfriend (of about 2 years until a year ago) who was kinda a strange dude but I couldn't quite click how strange finally gave me a good measure of just how strange he is:

Time to start going through pictures from those years, because I have pictures with a dude who stabbed his own mother to death... AWESOME.

Edit: I should mention that this is the second murderer to have been in my house for an extended time. The first one was the dude who owned, lived in, and rented out the house to us, before he rammed his truck into his wifes SUV, jumped out, then stabbed her with a screwdriver multiple times. Shortly afterwards he killed himself in jail! (first listing under suicides)

Wonder if this all increases or decreases the value of the house...
well i officially felt worse than i have in years last night (for many reasons) and i've decided its time to stop lying to myself and go sober. this isn't a john post so i won't be claiming miracles like stopping my medically prescribed things like anxiety medication and add medication but everything else that's been controlling my brain for me is now outta here. i have a feeling the next 2 weeks will be worse than any hell but i'm sure after it's all said and done and i go on with my life it'll be worth it.

I'm aware I've made a douche out of myself here...just please understand it was all the drugs I was on. I'm not an attention whore who throws pity parties like that, it's just what xanax mixed with alcohol does to you.

I wish you luck man. I'm quite depressed myself.
I'm aware I've made a douche out of myself here...just please understand it was all the drugs I was on. I'm not an attention whore who throws pity parties like that, it's just what xanax mixed with alcohol does to you.

I wish you luck man. I'm quite depressed myself.

I totally understand and that's why I said it, on drugs people say/do/think crazy shit like totally changing their life or miracles or insane plans and random shit and you've posted that a lot so I used that as an example; I wasn't trying to rip on you haha. Going sober is really fucking tough but I know I need to do it, hopefully both of us become and stay that way if we really want it.
I've been binging all week. I was doing really good this year and then I kind of stopped caring. It's not that I'm addicted to xanax, I'm just addicted to the relief of anxiety it gives me. Woke up in a pile of throw up this morning, that hasn't happened in 2 years. Pretty sure it was from mixing wine with beer, though.

Out of the two of us, you will definitely make it. I have complete faith in you.
I'm leaving the country in about 3 hours. Cheers peeps!

Best wishes, Denisa!!! I am SO looking forward to moving too!!

I've been binging all week. I was doing really good this year and then I kind of stopped caring. It's not that I'm addicted to xanax, I'm just addicted to the relief of anxiety it gives me. Woke up in a pile of throw up this morning, that hasn't happened in 2 years. Pretty sure it was from mixing wine with beer, though.

Out of the two of us, you will definitely make it. I have complete faith in you.

I have faith in BOTH of you!

I'm betting you won't need it, but good luck, Isabel! Fashion school sounds pretty rad!
^ I'll be the judge of that! Thanks guys!
The town looks great and the place I'm staying at even more so! If it's also just as laid back all the time I'm going to love it here.