say something about ... yourself!

My friend gave me a baby bunny's magical.
He's been snuggling with me ALL DAY!
The little guy is colored like a deer...very peachy light tan and white underneath :blush

My neighbor Tesla has it's sibling, so we're bunny buddies!
We had our first bunny play date today..OMG, they scampered and cheerfully leapt around my apartment like silly little kids!

Pics soon! The cute will burn out your eyes.
Dexter season 5 just took a pretty dark turn.

I have to admit that episode was amazing and moving. I had to hit mute on four seperate occasions.

Best quote ever

"I'm glad you didn't touch any of them." "Really? Why's that?" "Because this DNA test will clear your name and leave you all to me...and to her."

That was powerful television, man.
So we have new tenants in living in the "house" part of our dojo. They are awesome and hilarious, and way better than the two jackholes (one of whom was a scheisty, thieving sociopath that stole from the club and me personally that I would very, very much like to hurt physically) that lived there before them. We must share the bathroom with them. Saw this above the john the day after they moved in :lol:
