say something about ... yourself!

Yeah, well, the guy only ever chooses the *good* fruit beers, because he's generally against them himself. I've had a few of them and they're always good.
I'm breaking up with my boyfriend for a while and moving in with my mom for a month or who knows. I'm all around in bad fucking shape and I'm incapable of taking care of myself anymore. I've been sick for 9 months and I still havent been given the chance to heal in every sense of the word. I get close to a full recovery then I'm kicked in the face. Anyone else in my situation would need to be in a facility for a long time, and I've been the only one taking care of me (along with EVERYONE else). My truest friend just went to the ER for a condition where her stomach lining becomes severely inflamed when she's stressed. It's complicated, but I have nobody to talk to about any of this. I'm considering checking myself in somewhere but i have $16 to my name, if that. I can't afford my immunity meds anymore either. I almost put my phone number on here last night, but I figured doing that would create some sort of backlash that I don't need. I know a few of you like me on here, but I'm not sure about anyone else.
I still love you all, though, whether you fucking like it or not. I don't know when I'll be back here, I won't have internet service. I guess I'll see you later.
Vortex is mastering his solo album right now, needless to say I'm very excited. New Falkenbach next month, too.

On the negative side, the input jack on my guitar has been loose for awhile now. My dad would always tell me not to manually twist it because I was fucking up the wiring, I think I fucked up the wiring.

For someone that has no skill in taking things apart, is this easily fixable?
Vortex is mastering his solo album right now, needless to say I'm very excited. New Falkenbach next month, too.

On the negative side, the input jack on my guitar has been loose for awhile now. My dad would always tell me not to manually twist it because I was fucking up the wiring, I think I fucked up the wiring.

For someone that has no skill in taking things apart, is this easily fixable?

no. if you fucked up the wiring you're completely screwed but if its just loose then you can manually tighten it. all my guitars are fucked right now and i can't pay for any repairs because all the other guys in the band claim they have "no money, tons of expenses, need to save for emergencies" even though they live at home with their parents, spend money on random bullshit and haven't even contributed HALF of what i have to the band. basically the input on one of my cables broke off and went INTO the jack of my guitar so now it rattles around inside and sometimes cuts out and i have to play a fucking show like this because our guitarist is "too busy to get a job because of school" (i'm in school full time and have 3 serious jobs), our drummer "has expenses and needs to save for emergencies" (but lives at home and has no expenses except for gas and eating out and buying cds), and our bassist is trying to save but never had a job up until now because he was lazy.

bottom line is don't fuck with guitar repair yourself, just take it to a shop or tech or someone you know and trust because unless you realllyyy study it and know what you're doing you can fuck your shit up farrr more than you could've possibly imagined.
Andrew.... soon you will be free, I promise. One way or another, you will end up free of that bullshit.
yeah I know, I've been taking a holistic health class at school and they talk a lot about the idea of everything not being permanent and how it will pass so usually I think about that, it just pisses me off that I've paid for almost everything and am working my ass off and they all very well could even just do a tiny bit of work which wouldn't be hard and it'd make everything manageable for me but nooo.

on an unrelated note I was sparring with one of my students today and he was wearing a lacrosse helmet and I threw a really powerful right cross and got him right in the face but my thumb on my right hand jammed really far the fuck back and now it's painful to use. why can't people just use regular padded head gear (or at least a foam helmet with a cage damn). I got him with an amazing left hook by jabbing and then stepping in and throwing a hook, his head flew to the side from the impact; i got in a bunch of other sick moves but that one was awesome and it's when you get that fuck yeah awesome feeling.
I do that when I mix xanax and alcohol but how on earth do people get so drunk they can't remember things? I've been drunk enough to throw up everywhere, have the room spin, pass out, but never enough to do something like that and not remember it. 0_o
I do that when I mix xanax and alcohol but how on earth do people get so drunk they can't remember things? I've been drunk enough to throw up everywhere, have the room spin, pass out, but never enough to do something like that and not remember it. 0_o

when I was younger and a dumbass I drank a lot a couple of times and I blacked out. it's weird not being able to remember portions of time or just remembering small little tidbits from a long period; when I used to do more benzos for anxiety (I almost never use them now even though I'm prescribed a lot) i'd have those kinda blackouts sometimes just when I took too much and even though I could stay awake and get through the night I just somehow had amnesia and lost a block of time. those affects remind me why I hardly ever drink or do tranquilizers now haha
The scariest experience I ever had was when I drank a bunch of rum and took a zanny bar at a friends house. I woke up the next morning at my house unaware of how I got there. I walk out side and notice a stream of vomit on the driver's side of my truck.

Apparently, I drove 30 miles home, puked out the window while I was driving and managed not to get in a wreck. Also, there was a bunch of stuff stolen from a golf course. I remembered none of this of course. :(
I am getting off of probation, well "supervised" probation. I just beat two charges that I've gotten since being on probation and now I have a clear shot to getting both my license back and getting to keep 40 bucks a month in my pocket. I am a happy man/boy.