say something about ... yourself!

dear ROME producers,

i very much enjoyed the politics, bloody action, and ample nudity of your excellent two seasons. i would like to order at least three more to begin production posthaste!

your pal,

PS i am about to start SPARTICUS, is that shiz any good?!
sheeit, episode 1 was pretty awesome with the ludicrous blood splatters and tons of nekid boobies. not remotely as 'serious' as rome, but im down to watch 300: The Series. this is how amurica does history :kickass:
Gonna go out in a little while for beers. Listening to Nocturnal Breed.

Beer selection tonight (it changes daily):

V pátek 3.12.2010 na čepu:

1. Opat Broumov 12° nefiltr. (Standard 12 degree lager, unfiltered).

2. Herold tmavý (Dark Beer)

3. Opat jahodový (Strawberry Beer)

4. Matuška pšeničný (Wheat Beer. Matuška is a kick ass brewery!).