say something about ... yourself!

I definitly don't get that drunk anymore, by the way. I decided when I was 18 I did not enjoy spinning vision.

Now I won't even drink if I don't have a bottle of water before hand, 1000mg of Asprin, and something to eat halfway through.
Just got back from Orphaned Land's DVD show in Tel-Aviv. It was freaking awesome! Almost three hours of show, with all sorts of guests. Israeli singer Yehuda Poliker was fantastic and Steven Wilson was a great addition. He sang The Beloved's Cry alone with an acoustic. It was beautiful. Took some pictures with all OL band members minus Kobi and actually took one with Steven Wilson as well. Talked to him for two minutes before deciding to leave him alone. He told me he heard the new Opeth material and said "it isn't really metal anymore", and that his project with Mikael Åkerfeldt "is coming along". I'm intrigued. He was very nice and talkative.

Anyways the DVD should be hitting some time next year. If you like Orphaned Land then there's certainly lots to look forward to!

Sorry for the stupid smile, we were all pretty electrified by the show. Of the three dudes wearing the OL shirts, I'm the chubby one with the longer hair.





Wow. I am jealous. The two times I saw OL were amazing, I would LOVE to see them on their home turf (I am planning at some point to return to Tel Aviv, maybe I will do it when they have a big show again).

I'll be buying the DVD for sure.
Wow. I am jealous. The two times I saw OL were amazing, I would LOVE to see them on their home turf (I am planning at some point to return to Tel Aviv, maybe I will do it when they have a big show again).

I'll be buying the DVD for sure.
Oh cool. If you ever do come to a show in Israel let me know! Maybe we can grab a beer afterwards.
Old English, Dos Equis and Heineken, mostly. Hoegaarden if I'm feeling like a big spender. I won't touch Miller or any of their products.

Of course I can still get drunk on beer, but it's taking more and more every week.
He'll have one good glass of Chimay and wet himself, methinks. John, go into ales. You'll swear you drank water the whole time previously.
I intentionally worded that in a way that would make you lol at my expense. It may seem as though I'm oblivious to making myself look bad when I post, but rest assured I'm not. :)

Except when I am, but it's obvious when that's happening.
hoegaarden is aight, but its only 4.9%, you have to drink the whole 6pack within a couple hours to even catch a buzz! whos got time to drink that much liquid?!
Bah! I used to think IPA's were better than everything, and for the most part they are. I've had some really good porters and stouts that would rank up there with some of the IPA's I've had. True, the IPA is the standard for good beer, but depending on the mood, food, and season, other beers can be the right thing at the time- an IPA doesn't go with everything. As far as stouts go, I recommend the Speedway Stout from Alesmith™. It's good stuff.