say something about ... yourself!

Well there's very few bars in my area that serve more than the likes of Carlsberg, Heineken, Goldstar, Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, Weinstephen or Guinness/Murphy's, and of those my favorite would definitely be Guinness. When we go somewhere "special" I order a Maredsous, but that's pretty much it
Cool, I'll give it a go if I see it around somewhere. You know where it's from?

Alesmith is a brewery in San Diego, and you should be able to find it in Bevmo. I haven't been out of the SoCal area, so I'm not sure if you can find it anywhere else. But anyone who thinks Guinness is a good stout hasn't tasted a real stout. Guinness is the beer guys drink who wanna be like "Oh, look at me, I'm so macho and non-conformist because I drink Guinness," when in fact they hate it, and anyone who has tasted a real stout despises it. :hotjump:
nice..I just got my 2nd jackson RR model, umm....RX10D, yea my first floyd rose, and I hate it. I am returning it to trade in for one without the stupid tremolo system. I've never needed one and I dont want one anymore.