say something about ... yourself!

Hey John, one question...

Aren't you tired of telling everyone you've quit your vices and moved onto a better life, only to have to eat crow yet again and apologize for all the dumb shit you said/did during the relapse?

It's great that you man up to your issues and take responsibility for them and the damage they can cause. Most people can't even do that. But don't you think it's about time to just end this perpetual cycle and eliminate all this unnecessary and harmful bullshit out of your life and be done with it? You know you want to, and you know you can. Cut out the bullshit, don't let friends' habits influence you if you know it's ultimately bad for you.

I would get tired of having to say I'm sorry for stupid shit all the time eventually and do something about it because that shit sucks and I want no part of it.
I take adderall for add and klonopin for anxiety (although i take that not nearly as much now) and it doesn't mess me up anymore than 3 beers in a night or 2 cups of coffee in the morning would.
Because your body is used to it. Your body has become accustomed to having it consistently and you don't even notice it's effects anymore, or how it's changed/altered your personality. This is why half the population refuses take prescription drugs like that for their "disorders" and why we have songs like Medicated Nation.

On a very general level, I would say that drugs like that kill at least some part (however big or small it might be) of what makes every person that takes them unique.
Because your body is used to it. Your body has become accustomed to having it consistently and you don't even notice it's effects anymore, or how it's changed/altered your personality. This is why half the population refuses take prescription drugs like that for their "disorders" and why we have songs like Medicated Nation.

On a very general level, I would say that drugs like that kill at least some part (however big or small it might be) of what makes every person that takes them unique.

I agree but these drugs weren't a doctors choice, they were mine. I knew I had problems focusing and low drive so I asked for an ADD cure and the adderrall has helped me unlock what I had inside and get to where I am.

I can't name any other 20 year olds who are getting B's and A's in a full college, teaching a muay thai kickboxing class, writing all the music for and running a band full time, working a full time job as a personal trainer and going for even more certifications and physical therapy school.

The klonopin I barely take anymore but it's great to have around for when things get stressful or you really need to take the edge off (I take half my dose).

Honestly I can see why people hate prescription drugs but I personally think if you research them, know what you're doing and have a real goal or purpose in mind that they can really help you.

On an unrelated note last night I dropped on a whim at 9 pm, fell asleep at 5 am and then got up for work at 8:30 and trained someone. Kinda a tight schedule but man I feel like a new person and totally refueled (shpongle helped).
It's because the xanax is the only relief for my general anxiety disorder. Imagine adrenaline pumping through your stomach literally 24/7.

Come new year, I'm done with weed. It makes my anxiety worse.
So I'm being kept on the HT staff as a sales associate for weekends for the Holidays only because I wanted to keep my employee discount with all the new Star Wars merch coming in. I got my stormtrooper backpack, my Batman hoodie, and Darth Vader pj pants so far.

But now I have a headache and instead of socializing with Andrew and his friends, I've cracked open a Namaste (Dogfish Head), some ramen noodles, and have Prosit (oktoberfest from Heavy Seas) waiting for me.
so in order to continue promoting the band I made a hastily done how to video on how to play one of our songs. check it out if you like or just laugh at how bad it is; however it has attracted views and new channel subscribers and some people got a kick out of it so it can't be that bad:


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Surrounded by 16 neglected cats, mostly kittens. i just bought them some dry food, they're so hungry. :( so tempted to take one home!

just a side effect of my nightime walks...i meet so many critters in need!
yeah with socializing I learned to quit burdening myself with what people think about me (if I'm cool or if I'm good enough or whatever)...the best way to put that into practice is being yourself as you naturally are and don't say anything against yourself or others...just have respect and if someone has something you don't have, don't let it affect you. This is for when you're meeting new people. Sometimes we all act weird and that's fine...but if you don't beat yourself up, your mind turns from inward onto the world/reality in front of you and the world only gets bigger and your own insecurities become more insignificant.
It's because the xanax is the only relief for my general anxiety disorder. Imagine adrenaline pumping through your stomach literally 24/7.

Come new year, I'm done with weed. It makes my anxiety worse.

I have constant anxiety, too. I'm getting tested for adrenal fatigue soon because we think cortisol is constantly being pumped into my system. When I sleep, I claw the skin off my hands. It blows :(

I only get anxious on weed when I have too much/wrong strain
yeah with socializing I learned to quit burdening myself with what people think about me (if I'm cool or if I'm good enough or whatever)...the best way to put that into practice is being yourself as you naturally are and don't say anything against yourself or others...just have respect and if someone has something you don't have, don't let it affect you. This is for when you're meeting new people. Sometimes we all act weird and that's fine...but if you don't beat yourself up, your mind turns from inward onto the world/reality in front of you and the world only gets bigger and your own insecurities become more insignificant.

Awesome advice. This is how I feel ideally, but sometimes it seems impossible. We're our own worst enemies