say something about ... yourself!

Doing better, getting ready to go on my walk through the woods.

Found out that my Sensei Gayle Fillman died a few days ago, feeling bewildered because, like always, that was the day I was thinking of her out of the blue and making plans with my mom to give her one of my grandma's painting's for Solstice. I took Aikido and Aiki-Iaido for 6 years, I helped her teach classes, so I was there 5 days a week sometimes. She had the aura of a happy little Buddha statue: a very positive person. She helped me through my parent's divorce, saved my dog from a horrific death, among many other things. She was a great friend. This sucks because I was going to surprise her and show up during Masogi on New Years day and walk into the frigid lake chanting and chiming bells. I was planning on talking to her then about taking sword arts again. Damn it.

2010 is taking lots of lives, fuck
Axe colonge is the way to go for me...nothing but compliments with that. I don't care how commercial or whatever the fuck it is. Though, I do have other bottles of colonge collected over Christmas' that randomly use but don't realize it...those are nice.

I'll check out Enemy's new thrash music...I'm pretty fuckin numb with this other regurgitating thrash that's been out. There's absolutely nothing new when it comes to hooks. People seem to be thinking the "raining blood" gallop riff is still fresh after all these years...I'm just dumbfounded when they think that. But other people enjoy it so I guess it ain't for me. I'd rather release newer grooves if I were in the band.
Since september i'm prognose with Quervain Tendinitis in my left thumb tendon.
Super irritating because i can not ignore the constant nagging pain, have to rest a lot, work for only 3 hours a day and i'm restricted to 1 hour per day, at the computer at home. Wearing a thumb-brace for 8 weeks didn't do the trick, so tomorrow (21st of dec) i'll get surgery and hopefully that will end my everlasting pain in my left hand and wrist. I am a lefty, so the last 3 months i felt very clumsy.
Because of the thumb problems in my left hand, i started to compensate my left hand movements from out my neck and shoulders, so that part of my body is also giving pain because it's cramped.
So when i've had the surgery to cure Quervain, i may also start with therapy for my neck and shoulders.
* sigh *

I hope that 2011 brings better health and less pain, i'm tired of the unbalanced state i'm in right now ...
Since september i'm prognose with Quervain Tendinitis in my left thumb tendon.
Super irritating because i can not ignore the constant nagging pain, have to rest a lot, work for only 3 hours a day and i'm restricted to 1 hour per day, at the computer at home. Wearing a thumb-brace for 8 weeks didn't do the trick, so tomorrow (21st of dec) i'll get surgery and hopefully that will end my everlasting pain in my left hand and wrist. I am a lefty, so the last 3 months i felt very clumsy.
Because of the thumb problems in my left hand, i started to compensate my left hand movements from out my neck and shoulders, so that part of my body is also giving pain because it's cramped.
So when i've had the surgery to cure Quervain, i may also start with therapy for my neck and shoulders.
* sigh *

I hope that 2011 brings better health and less pain, i'm tired of the unbalanced state i'm in right now ...

I agree with the last sentence wholeheartedly. Get better soon, Iris!
Awww Iris <3 Im sorry! Hope you feel better!

I saw Tron Legacy. It was pretty good for what it was. Interesting and decent soundtrack, great special effects and hammy acting. It was a good time!
yeah we ran that down earlier last week it's cool when it's just 4 nerds in the theater lol still had some disappointing things though but the cinematography was awesome.

saw The Fighter tonight, pretty awesome if a little predictable.
I'll check out Enemy's new thrash music...I'm pretty fuckin numb with this other regurgitating thrash that's been out. There's absolutely nothing new when it comes to hooks. People seem to be thinking the "raining blood" gallop riff is still fresh after all these years...I'm just dumbfounded when they think that. But other people enjoy it so I guess it ain't for me. I'd rather release newer grooves if I were in the band.


and I really hope things work out there, Iris :(
If idle hands are the devil's workshop, idle minds are the devil's playground.

Today, FINALLY. What a month it has been. I have officially decided that December 2010 can fuck off. I'm done with it, get it outta here please.
Also, RIP to my buddy Spike. He belonged to the founder of our jiu-jitsu club and lived at the dojo. He was one of the most awesome cats ever. He played rough and generally drew blood on all the new friends he'd make, but he was always a sweetheart and very loyal to those of us that he'd see every day at the dojo. We found him in a closet after practice last night with his legs spread out and his face buried into the corner. He was still alive but it was obvious what we had to do. He was 17 years old and had just about as exciting and adventurous a life that a cat can have. Lame way to end the night for sure. This month has been pure shit.

RIP Spike :(



