say something about ... yourself!

So I went to the Providence mall and the drive back took 2 hours (usually takes 20 minutes at most). Fucking traffic. I was reminded why I like living in a city that doesn't require driving.
Was going to go bowling with my aunts and uncles, as the tradition goes, but we're staying home as well. Parents are sick, brother (who works at the bowling alley) is sick and called in tonight, Derick is getting there, and I feel kinda bleh myself. Ice cream, chips, Netflix, and my impending bath make it a fine New Year's Eve though, a fine one!
damn hella glad i went out. night started out slow but ended up going to a party with old associates from highschool and it ended up being pretty fucking sweet. lots of drinking, socializing and other fun; then after that my bands bassist and i went on a hunt for sugary food and 4th meal but nothing was open so i took bart back. absolutely fucking insane. for the first few stops it was a pretty empty train but once it hit sf oh man, it EXPLODED. the car was more full than even the busiest rush hour and i was fucked up out of my mind on various things and fading in and out of consciousness trying to comprehend all the crazy shit that was going on; when i got off at my stop there were even people getting ON there, relatively close to the end of the line. then i walked home in the rain freezing and now i guess something kicked in cuz if eel awake again.

crazy fucking new year, hope you all had a good one!
I went to the desert and was pretty stoned for 5 hours. When the ball dropped...the golf clap roar of the other campers put us to sleep. Great night...ended at 12:05 AM