say something about ... yourself!

I have a huge boil on my leg that drained nastiness last night and a weird rash on my upper body that is currently making me look Like a Swede with Asian eyes. Afraid to look at either. I'm starting to realize that pot food is the only thing keeping me going. Ironically enough, people think I'm being pessimistic and negative for attention and still give me shit for using weed..sadly, this makes me want to take a lifetime of accumulated frustration and rage and turn them into meat pulp. I wish I had my life back.
I also have to cut all ties with my dad for good. Whenever he's around, my health degenerates.
I have a huge boil on my leg that drained nastiness last night and a weird rash on my upper body that is currently making me look Like a Swede with Asian eyes. Afraid to look at either. I'm starting to realize that pot food is the only thing keeping me going. Ironically enough, people think I'm being pessimistic and negative for attention and still give me shit for using weed..sadly, this makes me want to take a lifetime of accumulated frustration and rage and turn them into meat pulp. I wish I had my life back.

:( I'm sorry Lesa.
I was having to defend myself from an old friend because I was viciously being accused of being racist because of something I said.
you think you know someone..
I was having to defend myself from an old friend because I was viciously being accused of being racist because of something I said.
you think you know someone..

You, a racist?
Ha! Whomever told you that probably doesn't know you very well. You're the most un-racist person that I know. I'm sorry to hear about that Lesa.
@Bacchante: I don't post on here much, but I do read a lot of the threads, and you seem like on of the coolest nicest people. I don't think you should have give any explanation for an off color comment you made, if this person is your friend they should know you aren't a racist. The older I get the more I realize real friends are far and between, and the friends that stay true are the only ones worth my time. All the best to you, take care of yourself!
Seriously Lesa. Cut the guy out of your life (delete him from Facebook, I saw the thread), never think about him again and move on. Don't let anything he says tear you up, then he wins. Just forget him and fill the empty spot he left on your real life friends list with someone that actually deserves to be there.

You did nothing wrong, don't let him make you think you did. I think this is a very important element of taking control of your life and keeping it. Don't let other peoples' perceptions of you change how you really feel about yourself.
Yeah that was pretty shitty. I'm a callous, blunt person sometimes, but that just felt like the person was nitpicking for the sake of being politically correct.
I haven't seen it, but from what I know of you and what the rest of the board is talking about, it sounds like someone wants to be the PC-police and likes calling people out on Facebook in front of everyone instead of PMing it. I highly doubt you'd say something blatantly racist on FB. People just need to get over themselves.

This is just my assessment, as I haven't seen the thread, but Kevin's got the right idea.
Dear Lesa, in spite of not having met/known you personally, I think you might just be one of those individuals who deserve all the good things in life to happen to them. But of course it seldom is that way. Forget about others, just focus on really taking the right decisions for yourself(health included) and I promise things will improve. Everything changes either way. And even though it's not much comfort, something's gotta give sometime.
Sometimes people need to be called a little white honkey dicked ass zipper headed camel fucking black assed dot headed kike snotted spic juice slant eyed sheep fucker of a retarded canadian though. Fuck that asshole. Fuck facebook too. There. :popcorn:

Made a killer batch of greasy popcorn.
I'm starting to come around to dubstep. I've always liked ambient/heavy industrial/trance-y stuff like Aphex Twin and Trifonic and such, and I kinda avoided dubstep but I don't know why. I guess what I had heard at the time wasn't very impressive but there are some really heavy, groovy artists out there; shit so heavy it feels like the Great Wall of China just fell on you.

It's got this slow, pulsing, mind-bending effect that's sometimes heavier than most metal bands. It borders on triphop, which I've never been into, but doesn't cross that line.

I imagine some of these tracks with really heavy, downtuned guitars and it's just devastating. Heavy music is just good music to me, whatever genre.

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I have a love/hate relationship with dubstep.

Nero, Mt.Eden, etc are great artist that sample memorable vocal lines with some crushing drops (the wobbly bass). Then there's a legion of kids on computers beating the genre into the ground with pointless, soulless tracks that mean nothing.

It's becoming too popular for it's own good.