say something about ... yourself!

I think I'm gonna take the month of January off from conspicuous booze consumption, myself.
Been a hell of a year, and this animal could stand to hibernate.

Sobriety is the best, when it really comes down to it.

You're not going to drink with me in NAMM next week?! what gives y0!

I'm probably gonna start limiting myself to one beer a day. More because of the calories than the alcohol.

Counting calories in alcohol now????
How about cut those burgers and fries and all that other junk and leave those great tasty beers with their great calories intake alone! Sheesh. add to the dubstep thing above (somewhat relevant)...I find it funny how there are a ton of metalheads (into priest, nevermore, death, decapitated etc.) that love metal and also love rap, hip hop, trip hop, dub step...all these groovy bands...but when something 90s grunge in a dropped tuning embraces some heaviness and sounds nu metalish - or IS nu metal- they're automatically turned off HARDCORE. Wow...horray for fuckin' rules.

It makes perfect sense, I wish you'd see that.

It is much easier to be open minded towards music genres and styles that are completely not similar to what one may consider his favorite music (like metal) and lean towards opening his musical horizon towards hip hop, alternative, pop, classical, jazz, blues, etc etc rather than a music genre that sounds horridly like a bad imitation of metal. (like nu-metal)

As for grunge: if you're an old schooler, most likely you grew up hating it because you probably think grunge was the reason metal died in the early 90's.

Grunge is great though.
I always stopped myself from becoming a beer was pointless for me. Why have all this knowledge for different beers and foreign beers when all I really wanted to do was to get drunk off of it? It's not like I'm ordering King Crimson boxsets and Nevermore album packages with the t-shirts, signed cds, patches etc. Alcohol is a drug. Gimme a Coors light or a Steel Reserve and lets rage.

When I am at a metal festival, concert, outdoor event etc.... and all I want to do is to "get drunk" and "rage" I'll drink whatever is given to me for free (not picky if someone else is buying it)

But when I'm at my own home, buying my own drinks, or at a bar and all I want to do is to enjoy my alcohol (yes, believe it or not, one can actually enjoy alcohol) I will be the ultimate snob and buy only the good stuff.

I don't abuse my alcohol, I enjoy it.
Counting calories in alcohol now????
How about cut those burgers and fries and all that other junk and leave those great tasty beers with their great calories intake alone!
Actually, alcohol is a major fattener, since it's converted into sugars inside your body. Junk food will kill you faster than alcohol will, true, but alcohol's fattening and other detrimental effects on the body shouldn't be treated lightly.

That said, there's nothing wrong with enjoying it in moderation (and sometimes in excess)

i was just ranting because I was in a bad mood.
Don't worry. We *ahem* all get that from time to time.
By American standards, ridiculously close, but Belgian standards, ridiculously far. It's almost at the other end of the country, about an hour and a half drive. I promised my girlfriend I'd take her there soon, because she loves dark ales (and medieval architecture). I'd bring some back for you, but the shipping costs would break my wallet :/
Oh I know. I had a guy airmail a small flat of it once and it cost me a small fortune because of what they limit you to.