say something about ... yourself!

Had a startling realization the night before last, now 18 hours sober. So stereotypical in the idea "it'll never happen to me, I can use whenever I'll be fine I'll just stop"; can't believe I could be that dumb. Looking back it's pretty disgusting and I'm hoping I can make it this time and that life will pick up again; you always think that it's helping but then you go without and start to feel again and realize you weren't even living. I feel ya now John haha.
I always stopped myself from becoming a beer was pointless for me. Why have all this knowledge for different beers and foreign beers when all I really wanted to do was to get drunk off of it? It's not like I'm ordering King Crimson boxsets and Nevermore album packages with the t-shirts, signed cds, patches etc. Alcohol is a drug. Gimme a Coors light or a Steel Reserve and lets rage. add to the dubstep thing above (somewhat relevant)...I find it funny how there are a ton of metalheads (into priest, nevermore, death, decapitated etc.) that love metal and also love rap, hip hop, trip hop, dub step...all these groovy bands...but when something 90s grunge in a dropped tuning embraces some heaviness and sounds nu metalish - or IS nu metal- they're automatically turned off HARDCORE. Wow...horray for fuckin' rules.
I always stopped myself from becoming a beer was pointless for me. Why have all this knowledge for different beers and foreign beers when all I really wanted to do was to get drunk off of it? It's not like I'm ordering King Crimson boxsets and Nevermore album packages with the t-shirts, signed cds, patches etc. Alcohol is a drug. Gimme a Coors light or a Steel Reserve and lets rage.

Why have all that knowledge of different music when all I wanna do is DAAAAAAANCE?!
Aye, not to mention the sense of dignity that comes from drinking a Rochefort 10 or Hoegaarden. I feel like a worthless piece of shit when I have to drink Bud or Miller.

It's a cleaner feeling intoxication as well. Same reason you don't buy the $8 bottles of Taaka Vodka.
Aye, not to mention the sense of dignity that comes from drinking a Rochefort 10 or Hoegaarden. I feel like a worthless piece of shit when I have to drink Bud or Miller.

It's a cleaner feeling intoxication as well. Same reason you don't buy the $8 bottles of Taaka Vodka.

I get the quality difference...sometimes you want to drink something that's better quality as a beverage, but I don't need European or a Scandinavian beer to feel dignified...or some precious, prestigious, elitist little ale.