say something about ... yourself!

I haven't been taking it formally but I've been studying it and learning some of the stretches and applying some of the principles to my clients and myself. For the more difficult muscles to stretch I like to use the flowing motions of yoga where you go from one stretch to another and get the full range of motion instead of cutting it up into body parts. It really has helped me in terms of flexibility as well as my clients (plus if they're tired and lazy or something you can do that which actually has a shitload of health benefits while making them feel good; i did that for a woman who would always get lazy about 3/4ths of the way through the session and it fucking savvveeeddd me)
Heard nothing but good things about yoga. Lots of my friends do it and tell me I should too. One of my female friends said if for no other reason, I should go for the girls. She even told me how to "sneak peeks" ninja style so as not to appear douchey, hahhaah.

I dunno, maybe someday I'll give it a go when I have time. Our jiu-jitsu club is moving into a new space next month that is right next to where said friends' hot yoga place (sauna style!) is, so maybe fate already is already working on some yoga plans for me.