say something about ... yourself!

Hahaha we always get a good LOL whenever somebody farts at jiu-jitsu practice. It happens quite often and no one gets embarrassed anymore but damn if it's still not absolutely hilarious every time :D
Well I'm happy about the news on the new Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises." Anne Hathaway playing Selina Kyle/Catwoman and Tom Hardy (Bronson, Inception) as Bane. At first I was like "Bane? He's not that interesting" but according to the comic he was actually a pretty intelligently formidable strategic foe that is also stronger than Batman. The most famous thing about him aside from being in "Batman and Robin" is that he broke Batman's back in the "Knightfall" comic. I can't wait until the film comes out.
Well I'm happy about the news on the new Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises." Anne Hathaway playing Selina Kyle/Catwoman and Tom Hardy (Bronson, Inception) as Bane.
hey cool, hopefully an actual hot chick will wash away the sad memories of that dogface they had in the last batman movie!
oh and why not do Spidey vs the hulk??? A blockbuster if I've ever heard of one...
id rather see an R rated spiderman semi-reboot vs venom vs carnage, with all the killing and gore youd expect from those two, but without spiderman's origin as everyone already knows that. now i didnt see spiderman 3 because 2 was sooo gay, so i dont know if they killed off eddie brock already, if not they could possibly just do a straight sequel, if they cut out all the emo bullshit.
i like comic book movies to be more like the actual comics they're based on: gritty, violent, and morally vague, not this sanitized, more clearly good vs evil silliness that a lot of the pg-13 ones seem to be.
i like comic book movies to be more like the actual comics they're based on: gritty, violent, and morally vague, not this sanitized, more clearly good vs evil silliness that a lot of the pg-13 ones seem to be.

Totally agreed. The X-Men and Spider Man films were a let down for me...and the others weren't the greatest thing either.

I like the new Batmans and Watchmen wasn't bad at all.

Tom Hardy was a pretty big guy in Bronson...I wonder if Nolan is gonna do Bane with or without that poison that makes him real strong. In some comics he was done with that stuff.