say something about ... yourself!

Thanks Kevin

John - I like to call those type of people, "dumb idiot doo-doo head meanies". They are dumber than dumb, they are dumbest. Stay away from women with children. 90% chance they are mothers.
because she's a FEMALE

how long have you known her?

what did YOU do to make the relationship go to the next step? maybe she was tired of waiting for you to make a move, so she moved on?

there's a number of reasons... they all boil down to "she's a FEMALE. they rarely make sense."
John you should realize this by now. What good has come out of your encounters with women? Nothing I bet, and guess what you are NOT ALONE. In the end you will just get fucked over and over and you will be a miserable pile of emotional shit. You are a nice guy and don't deserve someone that fucks with you like that.
I'm really sorry that happened to you. My girlfriend of 6 years left me for some random dude. Why, I don't know, and never will. It's hard to give any advice and it's just something you have to learn to accept and move on.

Me, I've lowered my expectations of people, that way I'm never disappointed. I think guys give their hearts away too easily and we have to learn to be more selective. Really sorry to hear that. It's rough.
Girls say alot of things within the first time you meet them....actions speak louder than words though. Love is an action...not just a feeling. If she went off with one of your shows that she didn't care enough about you and was more centered on herself. And usually people that are centered on themselves and don't care about who they affect are usually ones with low self esteem anyway.
John take a deep breath, pull back, and look at the big picture. Will's kinda on the right track. Women rely on the man to make the moves and decisions. if they feel like you're not enough security for them, aren't fulfilling their needs, whatever... they'll pick up and go, and most times not even say a damn thing.

Take this as a learning curve, move on, go get laid, and wait for someone who makes you melt.
Tyler's got it right. John, you need to learn to take fucking charge, man. From what I can construe from your post, you were seriously dependant on this woman and you should never be dependant on anyone. You still let others' perceptions determine your own perception of yourself and if you live your life like that, you're guaranteed to keep walking into the same trap. What the woman did to you is pretty disgusting, but it wouldn't have happened, she wouldn't have had that kind of power, if you didn't give her that power. Because you did - by being dependant on her and attaching yourself far too soon.

Next time a woman hugs you and kisses you and tells you she loves you, you need to stop right there and ask yourself, "is this normal? Is this the way a sane or caring person acts?" If the answer is no, keep that person at arm's length until you're sure she's healthy for you. People will and do fake these feelings for their own gain, and you need to learn to tell the difference. You are so in need of love, you'll cling to anyone who shows interest, and that is your major malfunction, numbnuts!

There's loads of good girls out there, but you'll never attract them with your neediness and self-pity. Stand up, clear your head, and next time, don't let yourself get punched to the mat so easily.