say something about ... yourself!

What Stormy said.

Also, most (not all) American women who were born in the last 30 years are self-centered, self-absorbed, attention whore drama queens who only care about what someone can do for them. I'm sure this is going to piss off a lot of women in the states, but it's true. That doesn't mean every woman in the US is like that, but for most of them born less than 30 years ago, this is an apt description. I'm telling you this so you know what you're up against.

There is no, "we can work it out". People cannot change who they are, no matter how much they may beg and plead that they can.

I know it sounds all woman-hating and whatnot, but you have to literally put American women in their place from the beginning or else they will walk all over you. That doesn't mean be verbally abusive, but that means letting them know what is acceptable and what is unacceptable, and that you will not be taken advantage of.
I know it sounds like I'm on a woman-hating trip, and I'm really not, it's just how it is. Again, I want to be clear that NOT ALL AMERICAN WOMEN ARE LIKE THAT...there are most definitely exceptions. It's obvious that someone like Cara is most definitely an exception. But it's safe to say that the number one thing American guys look for in a girl with whom they want to have a meaningful relationship is simply that they don't break balls. Of course there are physical characteristics that come into play as well, obviously, but if a guy wants to start a serious relationship with a girl, he's looking for someone he can connect with and who understands him; not someone looking to change who he is. American women have this thing they do with guys...they treat them like they're a dog to train or something. Sadly, most guys accept this because they think that all women are like that, when that's not true.

Would American guys disagree with me? Some may, but the majority would not, I believe. We have become so ingrained to accept the fact that, "she's a woman...that's how they are" so we just act like the stupid vulture baby from the Bugs Bunny cartoon and say, "Duuuhhhh...dohkay!" when we should be putting our foot down.

This is a ridiculous example...but not because it's a reality show. It's ridiculous because it's true. Each of these women represent one part of the average American young woman. It sounds crazy, and IT IS CRAZY, but it's the truth. The saddest part of it is, this isn't far-fetched at all...these are actually common examples.

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I won't agree or disagree, as I'm not familiar with the way things are over there... but... there are a bunch of women cooped up in one room waiting for a guy to evaluate their behavior patterns. If that's not tacky then what is? Then again, most reality shows are.
I know how American women are. The one time I've had sex in my life I was basically making fun of her to the point she was attracted to me.

But I thought this one was different. She had secretly been with my best friend before she made out with me. They don't want it in the open yet because she is planned to leave her current abusive boyfriend for him. I wasn't assertive because...she's been raped, sexually abused, just like I have. I didn't think she would want me to be dominate. She is an ex porn star, not hardcore or anything, more of a nudity thing. Eccentric stuff. I think that's why she has so much money.

But...she would always tell me how wonderful I am and how I would do great things and needed to quit letting my past hold me back. My freind/her future boyfriend, was just here. He told me she ask about me everyday, asking how I'm doing. She doesn't know I know they're planning this yet, but she will today.

It just hurts. All I've ever wanted in life was affection and she had been the first to give it to me. I won't bring it up anymore, and theres no need to respond to this. I'll continue through life alone, because I will never allow myself to love again.
I won't agree or disagree, as I'm not familiar with the way things are over there... but... there are a bunch of women cooped up in one room waiting for a guy to evaluate their behavior patterns. If that's not tacky then what is? Then again, most reality shows are.

The show is terrible...but my point was using each of those women as an example; they represent at least one part of the average young, modern American woman: a frigid, self-centered, fake, gold-digging, attention whoring drama queen. Again, this isn't everyone, but I'm not really exaggerating for those to whom this applies. The exceptions are few and far between.
I know how American women are. The one time I've had sex in my life I was basically making fun of her to the point she was attracted to me.

But I thought this one was different. She had secretly been with my best friend before she made out with me. They don't want it in the open yet because she is planned to leave her current abusive boyfriend for him. I wasn't assertive because...she's been raped, sexually abused, just like I have. I didn't think she would want me to be dominate. She is an ex porn star, not hardcore or anything, more of a nudity thing. Eccentric stuff. I think that's why she has so much money.

But...she would always tell me how wonderful I am and how I would do great things and needed to quit letting my past hold me back. My freind/her future boyfriend, was just here. He told me she ask about me everyday, asking how I'm doing. She doesn't know I know they're planning this yet, but she will today.

It just hurts. All I've ever wanted in life was affection and she had been the first to give it to me. I won't bring it up anymore, and theres no need to respond to this. I'll continue through life alone, because I will never allow myself to love again.

This is gonna sound really, really messed up, so I'm just gonna come out with it.

Sexually abused girls have baggage that you'll never get through, not even with a machete, unless they go to therapy. They're fucked up and they always will be until they can come to terms with what happened to them. Until they do that, they're going to use and abuse everyone who gets near them.

She's got a kid, was a soft porn star, and she's currently in an abusive relationship...typical. This is a stereotypical train wreck and you need to stay as far away from her as you can. People like her are vampires who suck the life force out of everyone they form a relationship with, and then when there's nothing left but a shriveled up carcass, they move on to the next victim.

Consider yourself lucky that you didn't invest anything more into this thing. Just walk away, man.

One more thing: I don't buy this "guys are expected to make the first move, so if you didn't it's your fault" crap. It's 2011. Women should fucking just say what they feel and stop fucking around with people's feelings. John's a naturally shy person, so if she doesn't like that, she should fucking say so and not leave him wondering what the hell went wrong. They play these stupid little mind games and then wonder why guys are so afraid of commitment. The secret to making a guy like you is quite simple: fuck him, feed him, and don't break his balls. THAT IS IT. It's not rocket science. You do those three things and he'll walk ten miles on broken glass for you.
I pray you are wrong. She promised me we would always be friends. If she abandoned me completely , I think that'll finally be it for me.

I'm sure you WILL always be friends, as long as that's what she wants. Is it really what you want? If it is, then there's no problem. If it's not, you're gonna have some emotions to deal with and get over. It will undoubtedly be more difficult for you than her, which is why I recommend you cut your losses and stop trying to fall in love with these types of people. They're no good for you.

We're not just telling you that you're better than these people for no reason, John. We honestly believe that you deserve better.

A word of advice from someone who's been there: people who take their clothes off for a living, whether strippers or porn stars/models, are fun in bed and that's about the extent of what your relationship should be to them. Let them fuck your brains out, have your fun, but most definitely move on.
All I want from her is what she's already given me. Love, the occasional cuddle, small flirtations.

She's ignoring me right now. Her soon to be boyfriend/my buddy said she's doing the same to him. Apparently she's really bi-polar. She's known to not talk to people some weeks. But thanks, power, fame, they've always been meaningless to me. All I need is affection to be happy.

I haven't slept in about 3 days and I've been drinking that entire time, I just can't sleep. But I appreciate all of you. We've nothing left to discuss. It's normal for her to go through periods of not talking to people, as long as she contacts me eventually I will survive.
I pray you are wrong. She promised me we would always be friends. If she abandoned me completely , I think that'll finally be it for me.
John, fucking grow a spine and stand up for yourself, dude. Stop being a pussy and man up.

With an attitude like that, of course you'll be forever alone. Come on, man. Fuck that bitch, there are way more women in the world. You're young. I'm nearly 10 years older than you and guess how many time I've actually been in love?

Yep, ZERO. It happens, it's not the end of the world. You need patience and perseverance, neither of which you're showing you're capable of having when you say mopey ass, woe is me bullshit things like "I am defeated."
Christ John, either this woman is a basket case who doesn't want to expend any effort on healing, as DW said, or she's a complaining, moaning, histrionic elusional. Stop getting snared by those bitches.

I was going to say something similar.
Make sure you really know someone before getting seriously involved...there are lots of evil, conniving bitches in the world (both sexes).