Then I sure as hell wasn't there. I've never heard of dreams guest starring me that were pleasant.
Created an EP's worth of dark ambient/drone. Have at it and let me know what you think.
We really should make a "post the view from your computer desk" thread.Today at work I looked over to the desk area where our former intern had his station set up and saw it looking all empty next to the window and for some reason FINALLY thought to myself "Why don't I take this rad spot and move away from my dumb wall?"
So I did. Now I have nearly unobstructed views of the Olympic Mountain Range and the sunset every single day. I loooooooooooove it, can't believe it took me this long to realize I should move into this spot.
i mean are they originals?
yup, been in the ambient game for awhile now. took an extended break because of writer's block. it's my first work back.
We really should make a "post the view from your computer desk" thread.
I'll keep my bitching short.
What kind of woman hooks up with me and tells me she loves me only to end up dating my best friend a week later?