say something about ... yourself!

I met a woman who claimed to be engaged to Warrel before breaking it off. I don't trust women whatsoever but it'd be interesting if she was telling the truth.

Kind of ironic, post 11,000, I'd like to thank all my friends on the Neverboard. You are all invaders of my dreams and they are always pleasant.
Today at work I looked over to the desk area where our former intern had his station set up and saw it looking all empty next to the window and for some reason FINALLY thought to myself "Why don't I take this rad spot and move away from my dumb wall?"

So I did. Now I have nearly unobstructed views of the Olympic Mountain Range and the sunset every single day. I loooooooooooove it, can't believe it took me this long to realize I should move into this spot.

Today at work I looked over to the desk area where our former intern had his station set up and saw it looking all empty next to the window and for some reason FINALLY thought to myself "Why don't I take this rad spot and move away from my dumb wall?"

So I did. Now I have nearly unobstructed views of the Olympic Mountain Range and the sunset every single day. I loooooooooooove it, can't believe it took me this long to realize I should move into this spot.

We really should make a "post the view from your computer desk" thread.
yup, been in the ambient game for awhile now. took an extended break because of writer's block. it's my first work back.

nice....I'll check it out when I have some time this weekend.

I am almost done with a 10 or 11 song cd of Classical/Thrash/Blues type stuff myself...inspired by Loomis, Becker, and the usual bunch.

what software did you use?
Thanks Lesa. Lots of learning to do. Tonight I start getting the camera hooked up to the network and begin installing/creating the server and database stuff. As soon as I get this training done I will be officially working full time and I can get the hell out of this shitty run-down indian casino.