say something about ... yourself!

Today's got one of them "chapter ending" vibes to it. Lots of things ending and new things starting these days for me, but today is the very last practice at our now old dojo. We're moving to a bigger, newer place that's not a house at the end of the month. I've never ever trained jiu-jitsu anywhere else. Everything I know I learned in that house and after today we'll never be there again. The doors are opening to allow our club to grow dramatically and the wheels are already turning, so everything is a step in the right direction. It's just a little sad is all. But in the end it's all for the best.

Such is life.
Nice, Will! I knew you would go places with this one.

Ever since Stefan said "I Lytinne Tva" by Lumsk was a big drinking song in Sweden, it's become my drinking song. Of course, hardly any of my friends listen to metal and none of them listen to folk-metal, so on days I sit here and drink by myself (more often than not) it is my drinking song. And the best drinking song indeed.

Also, I don't give a damn, Reroute To Remain is a greeeeeeeeat album. I never listen to metal in the car but this one just works.
I can talk about that. I already got my Axis Security Camera and CNL Software. Using SQL Server 2008 I will be creating my mini network and installing the camera in my room. I'll be doing lots of traveling as well. I can't wait to work full-time. The company is called American Security Consulting. I already have my company e-mail address set up. I'm excited.