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Isn't that the RR1T? Basically a standard RR1 usa but the T is added due to the omission of the floyd rose? it's not a very common model but I have seen it around and mostly custom shop; it's definitely not a cheap guitar if i remember right.

I'm the opposite of you guys, I playing a guitar with a floyd rose. I hate all the bothers of dealing with it since I don't use the whammy bar or any of that shit so I just get it blocked and it still holds tunings very well and you can change string gauges, tunings or whatever you want without having to worry about the tremlo rising or depressing into the body of the guitar. A blocked floyd rose is basically the most comfortable and best tremlo i've played, I can't play fast on those tune-o-matic style bridges at all and it just fucks up my hand after a while (playing thrash i reallyyyy need the floyd rose). I also couldn't go with the RR1's beacuse of the less than 24 frets, i seriously use every single fret and shred a lottt in my bands songs so I need a guitar with 24. before I decided to save up for a RAN custom (still saving haha) I was going to get a jackson king usa because of the 24 frets and V model (which i really like) or an RR24 which is basically the RR1 with 24 frets (and coincidentally the actual alexi guitar before he had to get his esp's haha, they even made them the same colors so coincidence hmm?) but it seemed to cheaply made and neither fit what i wanted.

When I get my custom i'll make sure it's a sweet V shape and has a cutaway to get to the 24th fret (and no i won't get an alexi esp, an rr24 or anything else, I want a guitar that isn't connected to some other person).
yep, it's the RR1T
Semi custom shop. Got to choose headstock direction, color, Inlay and what direction, then I chose the Silver sparkle and black bevels.
It's a made in the USA piece of badassery.
Nice one Kriggy.

I also hate the Floyds, enemy. I LOVED my first guitar. It was just a cheap Ibanez RG with the best neck ever, but I couldn't handle that floyd and had to sell it. I hate whammy bars and the noise they make anyway, although some of Dimebag's divebombs were really cool.
Back from my Covelo/ Arcata adventure!
What a sunny trip. Every day was full of blue skies and fluffy clouds. :)
I had no internets for a while, so I missed everybody.
How are you guys?
Waiting to screw grandma in the ground and putting up with all the family douche baggery that goes along with death, so I can go back to my vacation. Pretty much.