Steve! I texted you something. As in, I don't remember what I texted you.
Went to a bar with my friend who'd leaving for Africa in like 3 weeks or something. We were high on sugary alcoholic drinks and becoming bffs with the bartender, Chris. He told us we were his most interesting patrons (poor man). So I texted my friend Ryan, who is soooo shy and nerdy, telling him to come out. God bless him for going WAY out of his comfort zone to come play with us. We even got him to dance! It's awesome when your friend comes out when you expect everyone to be lame. And we had so much fun.
I love my friends.
fuck, as a joke i was talking to my friend about how I should work for Crunch instead of the gym I work at and after looking at their stuff, I think it's actually true. They're opening a new gym in Daly City which means even though I'd lose a lot of things I'd be on the same playing field as all the trainers hired (no older trainers who have rep and all their old clients) and all the members would be totally fresh and potentially there would be hugeee possible growth and I could do multiple times better than I am now. I've got a great thing going on now and I do most of the time enjoy my job but a new gym with new members, new staff, completely new facility (a really fucking nice one at that) and totally new opportunities at a gym that fits my style and personality better?
Dunno, their image of trainers on their site is a dude with muscles, tattoos, long hair, beard, the uniform is all black etc and the whole niche thing they do is being extreme and art and entertainment etc. It seems like I could either do extremely well there despite the shortcomings or fail really badly and lose everything I've got going now. It seems to fit so much better to my personality and style yet I'm pretty damn happy with where I am now and at a new gym who knows, I could potentially hate the staff, hate the company, hate the system, hate everything about it (or the opposite and love it).
I guess it comes down to am I willing to risk all the stuff I have going now and start from the beginning again or is what I have now good enough that I won't regret not taking that leap of faith. The gym opens in spring so I have some time to decide but it's really difficult considering the positives and negatives are about evenly matched and there's a lot of risk involved. If things went 100% perfectly I could be doing multiple times as well as I am now and loving it even more or I could flop and fail miserably and lose an absolutely great situation and job, never being able to go back because I thought the grass would be greener on the other side. Fuck.
fuck, as a joke i was talking to my friend about how I should work for Crunch instead of the gym I work at and after looking at their stuff, I think it's actually true. They're opening a new gym in Daly City which means even though I'd lose a lot of things I'd be on the same playing field as all the trainers hired (no older trainers who have rep and all their old clients) and all the members would be totally fresh and potentially there would be hugeee possible growth and I could do multiple times better than I am now. I've got a great thing going on now and I do most of the time enjoy my job but a new gym with new members, new staff, completely new facility (a really fucking nice one at that) and totally new opportunities at a gym that fits my style and personality better?
Dunno, their image of trainers on their site is a dude with muscles, tattoos, long hair, beard, the uniform is all black etc and the whole niche thing they do is being extreme and art and entertainment etc. It seems like I could either do extremely well there despite the shortcomings or fail really badly and lose everything I've got going now. It seems to fit so much better to my personality and style yet I'm pretty damn happy with where I am now and at a new gym who knows, I could potentially hate the staff, hate the company, hate the system, hate everything about it (or the opposite and love it).
I guess it comes down to am I willing to risk all the stuff I have going now and start from the beginning again or is what I have now good enough that I won't regret not taking that leap of faith. The gym opens in spring so I have some time to decide but it's really difficult considering the positives and negatives are about evenly matched and there's a lot of risk involved. If things went 100% perfectly I could be doing multiple times as well as I am now and loving it even more or I could flop and fail miserably and lose an absolutely great situation and job, never being able to go back because I thought the grass would be greener on the other side. Fuck.
I won't tolerate that kind of language and behavior in this forum.