say something about ... yourself!

Manhattan Clam Chowder is gross as hell. Did you add bacon to the chowder? If not, why?

Steak stir fry tonight here. Last night was Kobe beef.

I just packed a 291 pound piece of shit fucking treadmill out of my pickup, up my stairs, and into the house by myself. I never wanted one, now I'm doing the grunt work. Maybe just packing the thing in and out once per day would be enough. Why put it together?
Sprained my ankle soooooo fucking bad a few hours ago playing basketball. It's fat as a motherfucker and I had to leave a party that I'd been looking forward to for a week so I could elevate and ice it. ANNOYING.
Everyone I see this thread I have this huge urge to write "I've just shagged myself" when in actual fact it's not true and rather stupid.

I love beer.
Just started a bunch of new herbals and probiotics / got diagnosed with adrenal fatigue (body constantly cranks out cortisol) the other day. Still dealing with intestinal/skin inflammation, but I'm feeling amazing with the new medicine, yay! I actually started remembering my dreams a little (less cortisol=less stress=DREAMS!. Getting ready to get tested for Lupus within the next few weeks, ick. Do. Not. Want. :(

I love my naturopathic Dr, she is helping me figure out the root cause of all this shit when everyone else would rather hurt me with more pharmaceuticals. Vancomycin is offically a HUGE no no because my Dr (and I) are afraid that it will kill me. If I take it, I will get extremely ill (every antibiotic fucks me up, I'm allergic to most), we will go back to square one with my immunity, and I'm too weak to handle its toxicity. Antibiotics/steroids are ultimately the reason why my body is such a disfunctional mess.

Still waiting on word from the Phage Therapy guy in stressed out over family judgmental shit which made MRSA flare up (it reacts violently to stress/anxiety because my immunity shuts down). I am more than eager to end this fucking hell.

I just wanted to thank all of you who have been supportive during all of this. Without that, I really doubt I'd be here to talk about any of this.
my bronchitis might be turning to pneumonia.
EDIT: I should mention that I refuse to take antibiotics because they are against my non-existant religion and they are unnatural.
finally gave the venture bros a chance, actually i'm really into it. i had seen it a couple times on tv and didn't really like it but watching it from the start i'm pretty into it. i was basically just checking out random adult swim shows because i had run out of shows (last one i finished watching was the IT crowd) and this is the only one that stuck (lucy daughter of the devil was fucking weird, everything about frisky dingo sucked except killface, etc)