say something about ... yourself!

I don't think it's a super great show or anything, there just isn't shit to watch.

They've done an absolutely fantastic job with Game of Thrones. My only complaint is well...I think they did a great job with casting but when I read the next book I'll be picturing these actors instead of how I pictured the characters in my head. Mostly a good thing but not always. Cersei, I always pictured as Attilla from Rome, for example. Come to think of it, I pictured Stannis as Vorenus. The rest of the cast looks just about exactly how I'd imagine them. Well, not Jon Snow. But he won me over.

(I pictured Jon as Akihiko from Persona 3 and the girls as the ones from Persona 4, fuck knows why)

That guy who plays Jaime is just fucking perfect for the role, though. Sean Bean is perfect for Eddard, and whoever that is playing Robert is perfect. Tyrion, also perfect. But the Dothraki? What the hell? They were supposed to be copper skinned, not white guys with dirt on them to make them appear brown. They couldn't get any Western actors? And what's with the Celtic like warpaint? I thought these were basically native Americans?

But when it comes to poor budget, awkward acting, and a show that takes itself too seriously, I've got to give it to the new Showtime (or is it Stars?) series "Camelot". It's watchable, but barely. And they had the actor who played Mark Antony, who was of course the best part of the show, and he got killed off in about two episodes. The budget seems low because I keep seeing the same damn setting every episode. And honestly, what a little pushover they got to play King Arthur. Anyone could knock that guys lights out and if he wore make up he'd probably make a convincing cross dresser. Merlin is really the only likable member of the cast.
Best show ever. Mad Men. Like, it totally has a plot and everything and you become so emotionally involved with the characters and share that deep understanding of how hard it is not to cheat on your wife, chain smoke and sit in boring ass meetings all day.
I agree on Camelot, I stopped watching it for the same reasons. The Borgia's is good but whoever wrote the script is an idiot, it's damn hard to understand whats going on by how jumbled around it is.

kinda the same thing with the new doctor who but moffat is not nearly as bad.
I enjoy Game of Thrones and The Borgias a lot. Camelot isn't too great, except Eva Green. Arthur was horribly miscast and the guy who plays Leontes has Bieber hair, which makes it impossible for me to take either of them seriously.
I watched 5 episodes of Camelot, but I've given up. If the season gets better towards the end, I'll get back on it, but I've been very much disappointed with it. Game of Thrones has been ace, but I've enjoyed The Borgias the most, to be honest.

Anyway. Still think Justified is the best thing on T.V by a mile.
except Eva Green.

Totally forgot about her. She looks good in an "angry sex" kind of way.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it was shitty. I suppose I'll give up on it, too. The last episode in particular was ridiculous. A man was going to let the court execute him simply because he didn't want his daughter to know he wasn't her biological father? She wouldn't love him anymore?

Really? I can write a more believable plot than that.
I was so excited to buy a pack my first legal pack of smokes on my 18th birthday. I thought about it allllll day at school, I couldn't wait. Then when I finally went to do it, they didn't even card me.

same here, i had so many plans of things i was going to do (strip club while smoking cigars, buying a legal pack) yet i did none of them and have been able to buy them since i was 14. i've also been able to buy any type of alcohol since i was 18 due to the store near me not carding and me looking older (i can grow a wicked sweet lumberjack beard) so i think even that won't be fun except i guess going to a bar or club finally (can't get into many of those).
I started watching True Blood. The actress who plays Amy is like...the perfect woman to me. Not just in looks, but personality as well.

I wonder what the actress is really like.

she's very lovable. She's pretty much like that in all the interviews I've seen and all the movies I've seen with her. check the TV series "Party Down" and the movie Hot Tub Time Machine. I love her.
They've done an absolutely fantastic job with Game of Thrones. My only complaint is well...I think they did a great job with casting but when I read the next book I'll be picturing these actors instead of how I pictured the characters in my head. Mostly a good thing but not always. Cersei, I always pictured as Attilla from Rome, for example. Come to think of it, I pictured Stannis as Vorenus. The rest of the cast looks just about exactly how I'd imagine them. Well, not Jon Snow. But he won me over.

(I pictured Jon as Akihiko from Persona 3 and the girls as the ones from Persona 4, fuck knows why)

That guy who plays Jaime is just fucking perfect for the role, though. Sean Bean is perfect for Eddard, and whoever that is playing Robert is perfect. Tyrion, also perfect. But the Dothraki? What the hell? They were supposed to be copper skinned, not white guys with dirt on them to make them appear brown. They couldn't get any Western actors? And what's with the Celtic like warpaint? I thought these were basically native Americans?

yes, awesome series!

i just finished the first book after watching 2-3 episodes, and at the end of the book i forgot how i imagined the characters when i started reading :erk: