that happened to me once.Nightmares are for pussies. We true badasses get sleep paralysis.
Yeah, it's so convincing it's not even funny anymore. It's something you can't explain to someone who's never experienced it. Even the most convicted positivist, Hell even Stephen Hawking himself, would start to doubt.I get that too. Almost makes me question weather there really is demonic presences in the world.
Fun, innit?that happened to me once.
Yeah, it's so convincing it's not even funny anymore. It's something you can't explain to someone who's never experienced it. Even the most convicted positivist, Hell even Stephen Hawking himself, would start to doubt.
Then again, Steven Hawking is always paralyzed when he sleeps.
You're definitely most vulnerable to it when you're having trouble sleeping, are very tired, and are drifting in and out. I haven't experienced the 'redness' as you say it. For me it's being awake while being unable to move, and seeing, though not with your eyes. You often feel like there's something in the room with you, or coming up the stairs. You try to move, but can only move millimetres, and even that, with huge effort. Calling out for help is also impossible, all you can manage are faint whispery breaths. And yeah, the presence you feel at that moment can't be put into words. It's fear unlike any you can experience when awake.
It's definitely hard to explain, but if anyone is curious I'll try. It's aura fills the room, a red aura. And there's a serious sense of impending doom. You feel something looking down at you, something absolutely wicked and terrible. Something that, no matter how brave you are, you want to flee from for dear life.
I hear people are more susceptible to this when they sleep on their backs.