say something about ... yourself!

is starting a Cacophony tribute band in my area.

so know you like it.

Dont talk religion with mothers of any sort. They will win. even if you dont lose. THEY WIN. lesson learned.
Made the mistake of having a theological debate with my family, particularly my christian mother. And now i am fucking fuming.

Lesson learned.

My mom is pretty cool.

"You should grow your hair back out, you looked like Jesus."

"Mom, you do realize if Jesus existed he wasn't white, right?"


She has a bunch of Christian and Buddhist stuff in her room but she doesn't know the first thing about either religion. :D
Buddhism is not a religion ;)

I've read numerous Buddhist books and teachings from my weeaboo days and I knew someone would bring this up. Philosophy. It's close enough.

Ridding one self of material possessions and earthly desires is just another form of mind control, imo, even if it's good intentioned. Might as well be a religion. I'm well aware Buddha is regarded as prophet, not a deity.
I've read numerous Buddhist books and teachings from my weeaboo days and I knew someone would bring this up. Philosophy. It's close enough. Might as well be a religion.
Well, no. The key difference is that a philosophy was put together by humans, and no punishment is threatened with if it isn't followed. And most importantly, there is no judging, punishing imaginary figure monitoring your movements and supposedly rewarding/condemning you accordingly. But yeah, I get what you meant, I'm just being pedantic for the sake of it :)
Buddhism is not a religion ;)

Call it what you will. Just because you essentially don't have a "blind faith" in something like Buddhism, or seek for savior in Buddha doesn't mean it is not a set of rules for you to believe, and follow, i.e.- religion.

It's true that Buddhism has a "philosophy" behind it, (much like Judahism btw) but true philosophy, as brought to us by Philosophers per-se, is different. It triggers the mind and provokes your brain to constantly think, and come up with more ideas while constantly thinking and discussing... IMO totally different.
Call it what you will. Just because you essentially don't have a "blind faith" in something like Buddhism, or seek for savior in Buddha doesn't mean it is not a set of rules for you to believe, and follow, i.e.- religion.
Religion, by definition is the service to a higher being, i.e. a god, nature spirits, prince Xenu, whatever. Buddhism does not incorporate providing service to a supernatural being. Therefore, not a religion. It's that simple.

It's true that Buddhism has a "philosophy" behind it, (much like Judahism btw) but true philosophy, as brought to us by Philosophers per-se, is different. It triggers the mind and provokes your brain to constantly think, and come up with more ideas while constantly thinking and discussing... IMO totally different.
I'm sorry, what?

What you say isn't even true (do you think Buddhism was founded by one dude who woke up one day and said, "hey, imma make a philosophy!"? No, it evolved the same way our Western philosophies have, by thinking, conversing, challenging, etcetera). And even if it were true, there's no way that this strange set of qualities define either religion or philosophy. I don't know what kind of on-the-fly personal standard you handle for differing religion from philosophy, but no matter how you twist and turn it, Buddhism is in no way a religion. You can't just make up definitions as you go, not even for the lofty goal of trying to make me look like a fool, dear. ;)
Stormo, you sure jump to a lot of conclusions about the way people converse here. I'm not saying this because I like Karen a lot, but from a strictly observational standpoint, nowhere in any of her posts did it ever seem to me like she's trying to make you look like a fool. Why so defensive?
Eh, it's always one way or the other. Everyone is too sarcastic all the time or everyone takes things too seriously all the time.
Stormo, you sure jump to a lot of conclusions about the way people converse here. I'm not saying this because I like Karen a lot, but from a strictly observational standpoint, nowhere in any of her posts did it ever seem to me like she's trying to make you look like a fool. Why so defensive?
Oh, it was just a harmless joke, don't worry. Wasn't meant to come across as serious.