say something about ... yourself!

Well, several.

I want to be in Europe in general, where my ancestors are.
I hate America and it's going down the drain quick.
I love the Norsk language.
The standard of living is high.
I want to live where there are white people. Most of my friends and girls are not white, and I love them, but I don't belong here.

And I just feel almost makes me cry when I watch videos of Norway. I hate it here. It's 100 degrees outside right now. It's so hot you can barely open your eyes sometimes...

I'm a cool white guy. People love me here. But I just don't belong here. I love everything about Norway. I feel if I was there, I could finally be happy for the first time in my life.

I asked Lars from Mykrgrav about immigration, he said it probably wouldn't be possible. I guess I'll never get to live in Norway, huh?
I gotta admit I'm a bit worried about the future for America as well. It's not like the rest of the world is magically better, but there are so many problems going on right now and I don't know how the fuck we're going to fix them. Of course they're not bad compared to some countries, but our economy is so bad and we're just overall so fucked that anything is possible. If the dollar became completely worthless and all our savings were gone, if we pissed off another country with our world cowboy bullshit that actually caused them to get into a war with us where we were taking some of the damage, if even more crazy laws were passed etc. It's a great country but I'm positive once I graduate college I'm going to travel around the world so I can see first hand what other countries are like (obviously not as in depth as someone who lives there).

I love the freedom we have and there's a lot of great things going on, but sometimes I feel like we're just so fucked that living in some place like the UK, France or Canada might be better yet still similar enough that it's not an insane culture shock (obviously it will be a bit and I'm sure they have their problems but I don't really know completely). Maybe I just want a fresh start and am putting that desire onto another situation, who knows.
The biggest thing you'll notice when you travel is the lack of convenience. That will be the thing you miss most. Everything else will be transparent.

All the freedoms Americans have everyone else in the western world has as well and sometimes more. Most Americans complain about how the places they visit aren't like the US, which makes one wonder why they travel in the first place. It's the amenities Americans are so accustomed to that make them prefer the US, not some deep or profound difference. People will go on and on about how great the US is because of all the "freedoms" we have, government, quality of life, etc., but really what it boils down to is they can't live without 7-11 and Wendy's.

If you're thinking about moving to another country, be sure you're ok with the fact that it's not the US. It sounds strange but it's true. Most of us are unable to see the bigger picture because we're too busy complaining that there aren't any 24 hour gas stations with Twinkies and Doritos.
Also, the rest of the world's economy is pretty shitty right now as well. There's not really a single country doing exceptionally well, at least in the job market. In fact, the job market is probably better in the US right now.

The difference is there are so many more things around here that you can appreciate and kinda softens the blow. Americans work harder than any other western nation because it's part of their life. Take that away from them and they don't have anything with which to occupy their time; their livelihood revolves around money as well as their lifestyle. If work dries up, so does their way of life.

You really need to decide what's important to you in life, John, if you're thinking about moving.

also john, most people agree houston is like the biggest shithole in texas, and texas is a giant brown dirt-bowl. the whole country isnt like that, and it would definitely be easier to move somewhere else in america. northern california up thru the rest of the pacific northwest has massive amounts of beautiful forests and nature scenery similar to scandinavia, but we also have the best chronic on earf! portland and seattle are both like half hour or less from real, legit, middle-of-nowhere feeling nature. also, the major cities of scandinavia are being overrun with immigrant mud people just like everywhere else, so dont hold up some idealized fantasy of an all pale viking stronghold shinning in the north.
pretty much what neal said.

minnesota is like a city in the US just filled with scands too I've heard D:

but yeah, like DW mentioned it's a pretty good idea to actually travel around here a bit (yes including the great and infallible norway) and actually see how things are here too, throughout europe and shit. Assumptions about a place based on second hand stories and whatnot will never get close to the actual thing. So if you ever have a chance, travel across europe and check things out. :)
I think DW says it best (as always). Most Americans who come here tend to have a bit of a difficult time adjusting to the fact that there aren't all those conveniences here. That said, Europe is a very nice place to live (though it's the worsdt place in the world to wear a uniform).
If I could choose where to live I would definitely choose Scotland Cardiff was also nice but I could barely understand what the fuck they were saying, Americans bitch about Scottish accents but thats because they have never met a Welshmen.

Or I could (if I learned Italian) see myself living in Roma, but no in the outer city fuck that that place is a shithole. But really Maine isn't bad, hell Massachusetts isn't too bad depending on where you are.
John, you'd probably find happiness right there in your own country. I mean, the greatest thing the US has going for it is its natural wonders. Like neal said, northern California, Oregon, and Washington are all amazingly beautiful places.

It sounds to me like you just need to get out of Houston. You don't have to travel all the way across the world to find happiness...sometimes it's in the places you least expected.
Meaning what? I'm well aware it's hot in south, forgive me for my three word complaint o great oracle of knowledge. Besides, it's been hotter here in the last two years than it used to be. We usually have some form of Spring.

I love how you stated your solid state Ampeg destroyed tube amps. Keep dreaming.