say something about ... yourself!

move north.
What tube amp do you use? If it's not a high end amp, the Ampeg can very very easily hold its own against it.

Sorry if I came off as a dick in that last post.

I no longer have my 5150. You can get decent tones with high end solid states, to be sure, but it will never replicate true tube warmth and it won't "push the air" so to speak.
true, tubes sound damn good.
but I'd take my amp or one of the new hybrid Randalls over a brand new 5150/6505/Triple XXX/Marshall anyday of the week

Sure the Soldano/ENGL/Fryette/Mesa high end tube amps are amazing. But that's a HUGE chunk of dough.
i was asking because i am not sure if I should go to the doctor. But i am slightly afraid of spreading them to my eye because I rub them constantly due to bad allergies. and dont know how easily they spread and if I need meds to clear them up or if they'll go away quickly.

Download it, burn it (or throw it on a spare flash drive,) and tuck it away for safe keeping. When the day comes that you'll need it, you'll be glad you did. Seriously, it has everything. Also the live os's it has are badass and choc-full of network penetration and system recovery goodies.
It's a bootcd that has a host of tools like memtest, and other diagnostic software. It also has bootable versions of XP/linux (can't remember the flavor) that contain a lot of recovery tools, etc. It basically has everything you need to recover a system if it is indeed recoverable.
Basically if your system crashes and cannot boot up due to a system error, these tools should fix what ails it. It has happened to me before, actually. I was booting up my computer when the power all of a sudden died and I couldn't even get to Windows. Something like this would've helped me.
Even if your power supply dies and you can't get power to your machine?

THIS has happened to me and nothing would help at all if I couldn't get it to even power on.
Yeah of course a power supply issue is a current issue and not a software problem. If your power supply is busted, the only thing to do is get a new power supply.

On my old computer there's a switch in the back for 110-220 voltage and when I first moved here I forgot to switch it...POP!!! Smoke. Sizzle. I was sooooooo pissed off at myself because I remember thinking, "Don't plug it in until you switch it to 220!!!" Luckily I only needed a new power supply and it didn't fry the mobo.