one day i hope to be as much of a city-trend master as you brooks. you seem quite down with the hipster happenings haha; i've been trying to find cool shit/places but i end up getting stuck with regular tourist-y places (though i'm branching out a bit).
has anyone heard of bitcoin? it sounds really cool and cyberpunk-ish but kinda sketchy because you essentially hook up your gpu/cpu to some program/service which "mines" (not sure what that exactly entails) for bitcoins. they're limited to a certain amount so thats what drives the price up but the crazy part is you can actually buy shit with them on peer to peer sites that they have affiliated and other random sites or even trade them in for cash (I think one bitcoin is worth something like 10-20$ right now when it started at about .06$). they even have stuff like theres this one really well hidden site called silk road that where people sell underground shit like drugs peer to peer since bitcoins can't be traced and whatnot. all in all it seems really cool and i'd really like to try it if it weren't going to potentially fuck up my computer/be kinda sketchy legally. it's obviously too early to tell but it'd be pretty cool if in the future a lot of underground purchases/services were run through there and it created almost an internet marketplace that was hidden (i like cyberpunk/sci-fi stuff too much i guess haha)