say something about ... yourself!

i've got this weird fluid build-up pressure in my ear. it doesn't hurt so i don't think it's an ear infection, hoping it's just allergies or something :ill:

I've been having the same thing...but it's mainly because I was up at a higher elevation for most of a week. My ear popped ... but it hasn't popped back and I think there's some fluid build up pressure.
no popping, nothing, just sometimes there's the pressure from the fluid build-up, and then my ear will start leaking. it's lovely. no pain, nothing else though. fucking weird as hell. probably gonna go to the doctor about it tomorrow
I'm down.

If my house was in a more convenient location for everyone I would say we could go there and MST3k and stuff, but it's kinda out of the way I suppose.

Frederick? Out of the way? I drive hours just to meet a celebrity. Driving 45min or so from Laura's house to hang out with you is fine with me. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. :lol:

or, we can go to Emily's in Bel Aire and draw upside down crosses on her walls.

YES! I'm doing some Back In Black IPA now.
i'm sure this doesn't apply to many of you but i'm so tired of this rave/electro/pop culture. i do enjoy some techno/electronic music and every time i want to see a dj i'm inundated with these fucking kids - 20 somethings who are covered in their stupid bracelets, neon clothes, on shitloads of ecstacy and hugging everything and flailing around like idiots. not only that but the whole culture that goes with it where all the guys and girls are like OMG LOVE TEHEH PLUR LOL LOVE LOVE LOVE is really fucking bothersome; i don't care how much ecstacy you're on but no one is that manic and loving 24/7. it was bad enough when it was underground but now that its spilling out into the mainstream the new trend is being insanely flamboyant and pretending you love everything and melting your brain on e every few days. i really fucking hope this goes away soon and someday pop culture finds a middle point instead of the "omg i'm going to kill myself" grunge vs the "ILOVEEVERYONE" facade of electronic dance music.

I'm a big fan of some electro, but the sub culture is god-awful. It's just like you said "Love! Love! Spirituality! ". And the worst part is, 90% of the women I know are into this bullshit. All the goth, alternative and metalhead chicks flocked over to this garbage, and they assume I'm into this "alternative life style" mess because I listen to metal. It's maddening.
Dubstep brought the culture back to life, just a deeper level of retardation because it's more urban-acceptable now. The dubstep kids still listen to rave music and vice versa, for the most part. But a lot of the old school ravers and house fans are also into dubstep, so it's one big melting pot of social outcast, now.