say something about ... yourself!

I hateeee puking, but I have a pretty funny story now (really douchey though). I was at my friends house and we were playing a drinking game similar to beer pong, so I was playing that as well as drinking jager. Of course I got shit ass drunk, and in the car on the way to the train (had to ride back into the city to stay the night with my brother) I was crazy, dropped my phone etc.

Finally I got to bart, jumped out of the car, ran up to the platform and got on the train. Everything was going fine and i was just chilling (with a few uneasy looks from people as i was swaying and probably had a look on my face like damn i'm a boss), but once we started getting close I felt a bit queasy. This is an underground train, so there are no windows or anything, but right before my stop I opened up my drunchie Safeway deli bag, and spewed into it to the horror of all onlookers on the train. the thing was filled to the brim, sitting on my lap while I just sat there, waited for the train to stop, stumbled out, and managed to have the awful manners of just kinda leaving it in the middle of the platform. why i left it there, i'll never know as i was blackout drunk and only remember pieces. from there i went to the street, got on the bus, but we actually had to switch busses, because someone puked on it and they had to take the bus out of service. i'm pretyyy sure it wasn't me as i remember getting on as everyone was getting off and i was a bit confused thinking how i couldn't have possibly puked up the stairs, but i waited for the next bus anyway. finally i started on the bus ride to my brothers house, still with puke covered pants and people trying to keep a good distance. when i got off the bus i decided to take off my shirt and walk there (55 degree weather of course, no idea what prompted my shirtless decision besides feeling awesome) and when i got to his house i rang the doorbell and said supppp. he laughed and then i changed clothes and we went to safeway to get groceries.

probably one of the most douchey nights i've ever been a part of but the few parts i can remember still make me laugh a bit from the pure absurdity and isn't as bad as those other extremely awkward drunk stories i guess just due to the ridiculous "i am a badass" fake drunk swagger i had. 17 year old me is why i think a lot of 17 year olds are dicks haha.
wow!! :lol: you win... damn.
I have another funny puke story...hehe. It was Halloween 2006 and I had black metal make-up on, lol... Drank like 7 beers, then 3 Jager/Redbull shots, I was feeling GOOD. THEN my friend made me a drink with Gin and juice I can hardly remember what happened after that, lol. All I remember was puking out of the car window on our way home... We stopped at a light and I puked out of it, and looked at the car next to us and they were grossed out!!! I gave them a thumbs up! Man, even though I puked it was still a good night :D

Here is a pic of me at the party BEFORE I got hammered.

lol @ pefectterror.

My worse one was when I was 17. A group of friends and I were this girls house drinking (including her mom). I went to go crash in her room, next thing I know my friends were standing over me laughing. I had thrown up a whole unchewed chicken nugget. Her mom had to get me to the bath and wash it all out of my hair.

To this day I never hear the end of "that time John threw up a whole chicken nugget".

A whole chicken nugget!!! I'm laughing my ass off right now! :lol:
I was reading this thread to a friend earlier and he said this :p

"We smelled it coming all the way from the other room, when we turned on the light we saw you sleeping in a big puddle of your own vomit, with the chicken nugget right in the middle of it. When we woke you up, you tried to clean it by moving your hand around it a little, then you just put your head down and went back to sleep."