say something about ... yourself!

I'm happy. My moms friend is going to give me his old car. It has a lot of problems and he doesn't know if it will pass inspection, but I'd rather drive illegally than keep taking public transportation.
ya im in Illinois. Still trails and shit though
right now im riding a 2007 GT Aggressor. Low end $325 bike
I want to upgrade to something around the $1000 mark
Would love something lighter. Heard GT bikes are pretty heavy though. Same with Giants
I just had the all time best ever weekend of all time ever.

Pretty sure I've never felt better in my whole life, physically or mentally :)

Here's one little piece of the entire experience:

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I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE THEY'RE REMAKING CONAN THE BARBARIAN. what the fuck hollywood; they're so out of ideas they're remaking movies that have their own recognition and are well known from the 80s now? are they going to start fucking remaking 90s movies soon? not only that, but FUCKING CONAN? are you kidding me? the movie with arnold fucking shit up as a outrageously muscular beast? trying to replace him with some new hollywood fuckhead on steroids or cgi is a fucking affront to manly stupid movies everywhere and this makes me so furious i want to rip my door off the hinges. if they even go near the terminator or predator i will fly to hollywood, find the person in charge, and kick them in the nuts so hard they fly out their mouth like a pinball being struck into the game.
you do realize that they are remaking Total Recall too right?
guess who is playing Hauser/Quaid? yep that's right. Colin Farrell
also for Conan I was excited as hell when they said it was going to be more like the RE Howard books. but then they changed it all and made it another revenge story. That fucking doesnt happen. god dammit!
And Conan isnt a hawaiian!!!!!
yeh i wasnt too happy when i heard about Conan a while back, as the original is a classic that should not be touched. like krig said if it was more true to the source comics i would have less of a problem, but remaking the movie that already strayed it just blasphemous!

i really hope that total recall shit is a rumour/joke because that sounds fucking godawful.

at least they scrapped the escape from new york remake. for now...

remakes are about 98% :mad:
nope total recall is real brian cranston said on late late show that he is playing cohaagen.

EDIT: also we recieved some teaser posters for BATTLESHIP in the mail the other day, our projectionist said liam neeson is in it which gives me hope because why the FUCK is there a movie being made about fucking battleship?
That's what alot of people do these days...copy each other. Remake, and movies is reduced to the ultimate hobbyist level in how they don't passionately try something new and take risks and as a result is dishing out more of the same shit. Speaking of least my asshole is consistant with making different looking shits each time in all their complexity instead of doing the same exact ones.