Stay Frosty
If they have done shitty off-shoot remakes of classic Bruce Lee films, nothing is off limits 

They're follicles, man, and the fact that it's bigger and redder probably means you have a hair that's growing in. Don't cut it off, just scrape a bit until you can free the hair.Those things you get on the outer part of your nipples. They're so small they're almost unseeable (in men, at least) some people don't have them. Well I had one that was a little bigger than the rest, although still unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. I know you can't pop it but I try to pop anything of that nature so I went to town on it. Now it's even bigger and red. I'm going to cut it off.
I'd bet my life savings that politicians won't have their paychecks and benefits cut.
Really, is there anything left to do besides a violent revolution? If they can't come together on this then they should go, and if they won't go peacefully, they should be kicked out forcefully. It sounds drastic but is it really?