say something about ... yourself!

With the exception of Disma and Winter, I don't really care all that much about the bands they've announced so far. it seems like for their 10th anniversary they're focusing on bringing "big" bands, not necessarily good ones.

So far, if I have to choose between MDF and Rites of Darkness, I'm gonna go with RoD.
Those things you get on the outer part of your nipples. They're so small they're almost unseeable (in men, at least) some people don't have them. Well I had one that was a little bigger than the rest, although still unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. I know you can't pop it but I try to pop anything of that nature so I went to town on it. Now it's even bigger and red. I'm going to cut it off.
It's so small I'll have to use those really tiny metal scissors and even then I'll barely be able to get it. It's practically nothing, can't even see it in the mirror.

I just have terrible Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and can't leave things alone.
I love John. "I've got some lesion on my hand...I'm gonna stab it with an icepick."

That's a real man for ya. You've definitely got a higher tolerance to pain than I do.
3 hours of sleep, morning 150 question multiple choice computer test, thankfully passed with an 80% and am now ACE certified for my 3rd fitness cert. I wish I could stay inside all day and play deus ex 2/sleep but I have to exercise/shower and then go take bart again to teach at 8 pm tonight and get home at 11. fuuuuuckkkkkk
Haha, thanks DW.

Today my door bell rang and I was sleeping off a hangover, I went to answer it in my boxers, and it was a really cute girl taking donations for some kind of cause. I noticed her smiling at me strangely, half way through the conversation I looked down and realized I had an erection.
Those things you get on the outer part of your nipples. They're so small they're almost unseeable (in men, at least) some people don't have them. Well I had one that was a little bigger than the rest, although still unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. I know you can't pop it but I try to pop anything of that nature so I went to town on it. Now it's even bigger and red. I'm going to cut it off.
They're follicles, man, and the fact that it's bigger and redder probably means you have a hair that's growing in. Don't cut it off, just scrape a bit until you can free the hair.
Oh, it was big and red cause I kept trying to pop it like a pimple. I figured it might be an ingrown hair, but I plucked the bit of hair coming out of it with a tweezer the other week, to no avail.

I cut that thing off already. :D
I can't even put into words how angry I am about this debt bullshit. We're swimming in shit, and parties are still trying to make each other look bad and basically save face at the cost of the entire nation. The shit that politicians do is flat out disgusting, and if people weren't outraged before I can feel how many are completely losing faith in ANY notion that those in charge have the needs of the citizens before their own. We've been coasting on our superpower legacy for decades like a short guy in a hummer with a gold chain, and now it's so apparent that it would be laughable if this weren't a fucking catastrophe brought on by idiots and greed. Fuckin hell.
I'd bet my life savings that politicians won't have their paychecks and benefits cut.

Really, is there anything left to do besides a violent revolution? If they can't come together on this then they should go, and if they won't go peacefully, they should be kicked out forcefully. It sounds drastic but is it really?
It's been about 12 years since I last listened to this album and I think it's very underrated. I'd say it's up there with Sound of White Noise (which is THE best Anthrax album). Joey Belladonna can suck it.

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I'd bet my life savings that politicians won't have their paychecks and benefits cut.

Really, is there anything left to do besides a violent revolution? If they can't come together on this then they should go, and if they won't go peacefully, they should be kicked out forcefully. It sounds drastic but is it really?

That's one of the things that infuriates me. When the shit does hit the fan one would think they'd do something symbolic like not get paid for that time in some way to basically show the people that this affects them too so people don't go batshit insane, yet I'm positive things for them will be the same even though it wouldn't kill them if they didn't get paid for a bit (they're not poor). I'm actually really surprised that people haven't just gone insane and marched while threatening violence, because this is by far one of the most ridiculous and intelligence insulting things I've ever seen.

We're facing something that would fuck our country up beyond belief, affect everyone in it and finally crush the illusion of our superpower and duty that everyone loves to talk about, yet all politicians can do is try and make the other person/party look bad and try to do things that will make them look good for their party and peers. When it's all over they don't want to get fired/looked down upon for doing something against the power controlling them or do something that upsets corporations and big groups that hold power and line their pockets; everyone up there is in it for themselves to keep their position, keep on the good side of those who control the money and keep out of doing anything that might seem individual or dangerous. Greedy fucking pussies are taking us all down with them because they can't take a risk to try and help everyone else. People are fucked up and do selfish and shitty things, but these are supposed to be the ones who are above all that which is why they're allowed to affect the fate of our country, not be even worse than normal people like a puppet waiting for the next hand to go in it and decide what their life and choices should go towards.