say something about ... yourself!

the story takes place "shortly after the death of karen page" (according to the author's intro) Daredevil is freaking out about karen dying, and he starts talking to spiderman about it, and spiderman starts talking about the death of gwen stacy and then, all of a sudden, these 2 straight guys are suddenly gay, it was weird, i read the whole thing, it was the literary equivilant of a car wreck of horrendously twisted metal, it's so horrible that it's horribleness makes you keep looking, you can't look away, and i actually read the whole story by the end i was laughing so hard i couldn't breathe, and at the same time just feeling like i was watching an episode of the twilight zone
Well this is pretty random, but my F9 headphone amp arrived a few hours ago. It's just a cheap starter amp, but it's pretty much better than everything else for it's price by a longshot. The headphones that I paid a small fortune for sounded so awful to me on the first day and improved slightly over the last week and a half up to "pretty decent". I knew they would get a much needed boost with more power, but holy shit.

First eargasm ever. The drumming and especially the bass sounds utterly fantastic on Tool's Eulogy. The bass literally sounds like someone playing live with an extremely good preamp/amp. It's hard to really put into appropriate words, but pretty much the entire album has a "live" sound for a studio recording.
That's one thing I've always dig about Tool... their albums are produced exceptionally well and always feature good hidden tidbits for audiophiles that have the gear and the ear enough to actually discover them. My buddy has his own studio in his basement with all the top gear and he played some Tool stuff for me through it and it was like hearing the songs again for the first time.

Listen to The Pot. There are a bunch of cool things going on underneath the main recording on that song.
Krig, you've got a Shelby? The GT350's only my favorite car in the world...

I'm so fucking jealous right now.
haha no
My buddies dad who lives in Germany bought it.
rich bastard that was in the military and now has an awesome job over there.
having it shipped over there starting this friday. My friend has had it for a month, after his dad flew back over
that's the thing - websites like that will publish anything - with any amount of errors, complete lack of content, etc. and people will always comment "omg i luv your story, it rockz yay vampires!!11"

i want actual editorial help lol

when you send in your work for publication, the person at the publishing house/magazine who has the job-title of "editor" has the job of "editing" and altering your work in such a way that it results in selling as many copies as possible, this is done because the publishing house receives a percentage of each copy sold and a magazine receives 100% of the sales of each copy unless it's written otherwise in a contract, so it's in the publishing house/magazine's best interest to sell as many copies as possible (catering to a niche audience will result in the magazine/publishing house not being able to cover publishing costs and actually loosing money)

if the publishing house/magazine actually receives any kind of money from the author, this is ALWAYS A CRIME, it's either
A) the publishing house/magazine commiting fraud
B)the Author bribing the publishing house/magazine

either way, it's going to result in someone doing FEDERAL prison time

the company your paying is kind of pulling a scam, taking money from the author for doing something that could otherwise be done without any money coming out of the author's pocket, it's only technically legal because they're not actually publishing your work,

but if you pay them for altering your work, and then your altered work is rejected by a publishing house, you could then sue them for defrauding you and not doing what you paid them for, this lawsuit could result in as much money as what a publishing house might offer you, because the publishing house will always try to rip-off the author unless you're already a newyork-times-best-selling-author
Hair of the dog. I used to do a milkshake with a shot of tequila and it always made me feel better. I'm much more responsible now of course.