say something about ... yourself!

My Dad just got a new puppy.


Heh. I always enjoyed both growing up, but was never actually in much of a position to have a preference. Most of my interactions with them were from a relative, although I had a puppy for a year when I was ten. My last pet was a cat that I had for a little over ten years, and before that one that I had for four. For the most part this was just a matter of not owning my own place yet, so I was limitted in the kind of pet I could have.

If I had to choose though (probably from just being used to how much easier they are to take care of) I'd say I'm probably 70/30 in favor of a cat. Although unlike what it said about "exclusive" cat people, I wouldn't turn down a puppy if someone was wanting to dump it on me, and I liked that particular breed.

And yeah, labs rock.