Det Som Engang Var
Viking Bastard
On the contrary, Laura. You will be loaded up on painkillers. The weekend will fly by, as you float in blissful derealisation.
and they weren't even college age or anything, they were like 30. there's definitely something great about not being able to hear any neighbors ever.
yeh your weekend is looking better than mine!
i just had some drillings and fillings done and the dentist ran out to some personal appointment before she could prescribe me some feel good pillz for my aching mouth. i got screwed!
Not really getting the age relevance at all. I'd blast the hell out of my stereo as well if I was an inconsiderate douchebag, OR if I had my own house in the middle of nowhere.
Unfortunately, I'm not an inconsiderate douchebag, but have a neighbor that is; who would go outside at 2am in a drunken stupor shouting "lyrics" and strumming a very much out of tune guitar thinking that he was playing anything resembling music. He also enjoys smashing his own furniture right below my bedroom while I'm trying to sleep. It's been a great past five years, but I recently took action against him, and if he keeps up his shit, his ass is out of here. By now though it's kind of pointless since I plan on moving anyway.
Sounds like your dentist just sucks. I haven't required anything for pain after having the few fillings I've needed taken care of over the last year. It's usually only when they screw up and end up hitting your gums in some way that you'll be feeling anything after the anesthesia wears off. Or maybe you're just a big baby.![]()
Almost done with Breaking Bad. God damn, it just keeps getting better.
Now what will I watch to fill the void in my life left by this masterpiece?
Congrats, Laura!
Thanks for the list guy who's name I can never remember. I've seen some of those but I shall look into the rest!
mystery science theater 3000