say something about ... yourself!

Among the Living never did anything for me. I don't know what the big deal is over that's boring as shit. Persistence of Time and SOWN pisses all over it. I think people give it more credit than it's due because it WAS a huge step forward from Spreading the Disease.

Maybe, I just remember it having a lot of decent songs with a handful of really great songs. Overall though I liked State of Euphoria, PoT and SoWN more. After that, I didn't really care about the band. Even though I'm constantly forced to listen to We've Come for You All.
I've always followed them, although a bit half-heartedly. I think Stomp 442 gets overlooked a lot. Tester is a fucking AWESOME song.

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Yeah, I know. I've actually been listening to that album a lot over the past couple of months. Just overall it doesn't come off like a "thrash" album, but it also doesn't sound watered down enough to be considered "hard rock", which is what it's constantly labeled as. That album is pretty much all killer, no filler; but I think my favorite by far is Hy Pro Glo.

That's like saying the black album was the best Metallica album. Yes, it's a great album but there are at least two others that leave it in the dust.

Lol, I wasn't suggesting that the earliest few Anthrax albums were the best at all, only that much of their "earlier" (i.e. pre Stomp 442) was all pretty good, and that their earlier had a lot of good riffs to be found (whether or not that means they made up a good song). I already mentioned my opinion on Among the Living; but while you may find it boring, I'm not alone in thinking it was a great album. Then again, I was listening to it during my senior year in high school when just getting into Metallica and Megadeth. Needless to say, it left a pretty big impression on me, so it's quite possible that it's just nostalgia speaking--although I still think it has at least two of their best songs ever.

I'm also not sure what happened to John Bush's voice, or if they simply capitalized on it much better on the songs with him already in the band, but unlike Matt Barlow, John sounds completely fucking terrible on the rerecorded versions of the songs before his time. As much as I prefer him--by far--over Joey, I would never want to listen to the old songs without Joey if I had to pick between the two versions.
No. No. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST...NO! Just like with films, art, culture, food, and now we see extreme underground music added to that list, by the time it gets to America it gets dumbed down and diluted. Then they throw shit tons of money at it to completely change it and make it something it never was supposed to be, and then on top of all that they become elitist, hipster moronic fags over something that would have been shunned by the predecessors from which it is derived.

Black metal doesn't want dignity, freedom, renewal, or hybridization. Dickheads like this idiot want those things because it is in our genetic makeup as Americans to fucking copy, bastardize, and ultimately ruin purity because we just can't fucking take the fact that someone invented something and does it better than us and that we're excluded from it. I'm not saying there aren't any good black metal bands in the US because there are, but shit like this is a fucking joke.

Wow, Films, Art, Culture, Food even, thats a pretty bold statement you've made about America there buddy boy.
*sigh* I suppose I'll just focus on the issue at hand.

:lol: Extreme underground music, Black metal is mainstream as fuck (Dimmu Borgir anyone?).

Black Metal (Venom,Emperor) has its roots in Heavy Metal (Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin), which in turn has its roots in Blues Rock(Bob Dylan, BB King), then Jazz, so forth and so on. You think Bob Dylan listens to Emperor, I'm going to step out on a limb and say hell no. Most of those Bands I listed are from Europe and they're all a bastardization of each other.

Music evolves and changes with the times just because a single "American" black metal band wants to challenge the concept of black metal doesn't make them Elitist hipster fags, I mean they very well could be since I don't actually follow the band, Hell I don't really follow any Black Metal Band. However that doesn't mean that just because they suck that every American Black Metal band does. I did do a couple jewtube searches and found that liturgy kinda sounds like every other black metal band with a few exceptions. Now I'm not saying that they're any good. When I'm in the mood for black metal I go straight to Emperor.

I think mostly what I want to say is, Just because you're American doesn't mean that you are an expert on American Culture and that you could speak for everyone of us out there. My Genetic code doesn't tell me to copy/bastardize/reproduce because someone did it better. Thanks.
Among the Living is fucking AMAZING. It's super thrashy, fast, heavy, and had some really cool riffs/styles in it. It took a totally different sound than what the other thrash bands at the time were going with and really combined that insane speed with great riffs and heavy breaks (WARRRRRDAAANCEEEE). I'll always love that album and a lot more than the few after it. The other ones were a little bit less unique and just went breakneck speed, though there are some great songs on the other albums which I really like. That'll always be my favorite album of theirs though (saw them when they played it start to finish with belladonna the first time and that fucking KILLED; especially since it was at The Pound which was a tiny venue in a super shitty part of sf that was basically a room as big as a studio practice space x2).

I need to check out more of the Bush stuff because it seems like there are a lot of hidden gems in there but you really have to search for them. A lot of it just falls flat on it's face but I do like the few driving, heavy and pounding songs they have. I had a playlist yesterday of What Doesn't Die (only good song on that album), Hy Pro Glo (sp?), Only and a few more and that got me fucking JUICED. That song on Stomp sounds pretty sweet so I'll have to check that album out, it's just a shame that I have to sift through so much shit to find the intense and good stuff.
Wow, Films, Art, Culture, Food even, thats a pretty bold statement you've made about America there buddy boy.
*sigh* I suppose I'll just focus on the issue at hand.

:lol: Extreme underground music, Black metal is mainstream as fuck (Dimmu Borgir anyone?).

Black Metal (Venom,Emperor) has its roots in Heavy Metal (Black Sabbath, Led Zepplin), which in turn has its roots in Blues Rock(Bob Dylan, BB King), then Jazz, so forth and so on. You think Bob Dylan listens to Emperor, I'm going to step out on a limb and say hell no. Most of those Bands I listed are from Europe and they're all a bastardization of each other.

Music evolves and changes with the times just because a single "American" black metal band wants to challenge the concept of black metal doesn't make them Elitist hipster fags, I mean they very well could be since I don't actually follow the band, Hell I don't really follow any Black Metal Band. However that doesn't mean that just because they suck that every American Black Metal band does. I did do a couple jewtube searches and found that liturgy kinda sounds like every other black metal band with a few exceptions. Now I'm not saying that they're any good. When I'm in the mood for black metal I go straight to Emperor.

I think mostly what I want to say is, Just because you're American doesn't mean that you are an expert on American Culture and that you could speak for everyone of us out there. My Genetic code doesn't tell me to copy/bastardize/reproduce because someone did it better. Thanks.

You missed the point. Whenever something pure originates overseas and eventually makes its way to America, whether it be international cuisine, certain films, art, or music, it gets tons of money thrown at it, gets significantly changed into something it's not supposed to be, and gets tainted by consumerism.

I never said that you can't find any of these things in the US, I just said the US wraps its tentacles around them and squeezes the life and purity out of them typically. It's almost always about money...there is not a single thing in the US in existence that doesn't revolve around making money. Even our sports stadiums are named after fucking pathetic.

I never said anything about American black metal doesn't suck. There are lots of American black metal bands that are awesome...I mean, Wolves in the Throne Room? Yeah...awesome. But it's this hipster attitude of late that is ruining fucking everything with its retarded elitism that's not even fucking elitist...if anything, it's ignorant. They take something pure, gut it, and then wrap it in a different package and call it original. No, it's not fucking original, it's fucking half-ass. If they want to invent a new style of metal, then go right ahead...fucking death metal was invented in the US, after all. But don't take something, turn it on its head and warp it into something that it's not supposed to be and act like you CREATED something original. No, you just added useless fucking ingredients to something that was already perfect and now you want credit for it.

It's like ordering a beautiful steak in a 5-star restaurant and then putting ketchup on it and saying you invented a new type of steak. No, you just ruined your steak, that's all.
Disclaimer: Don't read my post if you aren't interested in an update on my lady situation.

Yesterday the plan was to go with the girl I met on a date to a restaurant and then see the Queensryche show. Boy, was I thrown a curve ball. Apparently mother hen is a fan of the band for 25+ years and she asked to come along for everything... last minute (later I concluded this was probably done to A) have someone chauffeur them around and B) to make this more of a friendly-outing i.e friend-zone myself and/or C) serve as a shit-test). So in this situation what can I do, so I agree to have mother hen accompany us. I am saying all the right things throughout the evening, being funny, clever, charming and really impressing the mother (who btw is cool, but id rather have had her stay at home lol). However, their was a weird restraint in conversation between me and the girl, when previously she was so open and playful before. Dinner goes as well as it could, considering the circumstance, but unfortunately mother hen seems to be taking more interest in me than her daughter is. What. The. Fuck. I basically had to initiate all conversation and ask questions to keep the girl even looking at me. Move head to the show...

So we arrive to the venue, and while waiting in line mother and daughter basically engage in conversation /drama about people that they know, leaving me as the third wheel. The girl is constantly texting, even once we are inside the venue, and this is the first sign that this girl is high maintenance. Fortunately, we separate from mother hen and get a spot up front at the gate. Show begins, and of course it is going to be loud, conversation ceases, and touch becomes central to interaction. Next sign of this girl being high maintenance is that for the 2+ hours of the show, SHE NEVER PUT DOWN HER CAMERA. Holy shit, she must have took over 400 pictures. We still had fun jumping around, singing, and playful touching... but still had the feeling of being just friends. Show ends, I drive them home, and of course I can't even go for a hug because of the atmosphere of the whole day.

I did all the right things and honestly cannot think of anything I could have done different. Was this a big scheme to put me in my place as a friend? Or was this a shit test to see if I am good enough? To be honest, I am not really interested in her anymore since she revealed she is completely different from the first few interactions. I don't want to meet your shitty pregnant friend, hear about your shitty problems, be around a high maintenance person, or have to build rapport with your mother of all people. Women do my head in. Fortunately, there are better women out there, they are just few and far between...

Oh yeah, Queensryche is lame and faggy. Do you think I give a shit about seeing them for my own enjoyment? :lol: But to be fair, Geoff Tate was pitch-perfect all night.
well the obvious next step is bang the mom, that should bring out that catty, competitive spirit in the daughter, and you're in there. if not, oh well, you still banged her mom.
Haha, no way man. On a scale of ten, her resemblance to this man goes up to 11

Can't really argue against your statement post Empire, but prior? No way.

Oh yes, I absolutely agree. Empire is by far their best album. You are right, I meant post-empire for the most part...


What was their setlist like anyway? They're playing here next month and I'm not sure if it's worth $40 unless I'm gonna hear a bunch of Mindcrime and other awesome-era Queensryche.

I'm not the biggest fan, I don't know all their songs. I'll put the ones I'm unsure about with a question mark.

Set list was:

Get Started
Damaged (?)
I Don't Believe in Love (kinda gay song, but a classic, and fun to sing along to :p)
Hit the Black
The Hands
My Empty Room
Dead Man's Words (?)
At the Edge (?)
Real World (?)
The Thin Line (?)
Walk in the Shadows
Screaming in Digital (?)
Right Side of my Mind (?)
Around the World
Silent Lucidity (YES!!!)

Jet City Woman (YES!)
Empire (YES!!)
Eyes of A Stranger (YES!!!)