say something about ... yourself!

So, let's make a pledge to beat em up in the future.

BTW, I have an ENGL e670 half stack in my bedroom.

U jelly?

The new Anthrax album has a lot of anthemic, awesome songs...really, REALLY catchy vocals and choruses. It's not a fast album at all but there are some great riffs in it.

There are some songs that could easily go on the radio and become hit a good way. Songs like The Giant, Crawl, In the End, I'm Alive, and The Devil You Know are all great songs and the kind that you just can't get out of your head. I've always preferred Bush, but I think Belladonna one-upped him this time around. I'm really, really impressed with his touch on the vocals. They're very aggressive in places and really anthemic and soaring in doesn't even sound like him most of the time. In fact, I think he was going for the Bush attitude, and fortunately since he's much older now his voice has deepened a lot and sounds really powerful, almost like Jorn in some places.
I really hate when I learn things about my really close friends that are just despicable. I know no one is perfect, that I have flaws and that it's foolish to judge everyone, but sometimes you just learn some things about them that basically hit you all at once, yet have been there all along. It makes me lose respect for them and it's a shame because I love my close friends and normally don't give a shit about their flaws (everyone is human, we all have them) , but when there are just really huge character faults and things that are flat out malevolent/deceptive/lying and it's just a part of them then that really blows and makes you feel kinda awkward/shitty for a while.

Also damn I didn't know people were liking the new Anthrax, I thought it was flat out terrible. I listened to it once while lifting because I thought it'd get me pumped up but the songs felt long, drawn out, no riffs stood out at me etc. I think there were 3 songs I enjoyed but that was about it; maybe I just need to give it another shot.
So, let's make a pledge to beat em up in the future.
well its a tough call. we're a little old to be getting into fights at shows, but these goddamn kids today are just so fucking tolerant its disgusting.


the fact that these posers and others like them have not yet received a FATAL BEATING is proof enough of the decline

oh, we make 'Transcendental Black Metal' yeh actually black metal is about satan, you make fag music for fags. please fuckin die at your earliest convenience, thnx.
“Transcendental Black Metal,” a lecture by Hunter Hunt-Hendrix, the young singer and guitarist of the Brooklyn band Liturgy, gave the Nordic black-metal tradition a stern challenge, and amounted to an artistic manifesto for his own band. He discussed how America represents “dignity, freedom, renewal and hybridization,” and suggested that these qualities could be represented in a new form of black metal."

No. No. JESUS FUCKING CHRIST...NO! Just like with films, art, culture, food, and now we see extreme underground music added to that list, by the time it gets to America it gets dumbed down and diluted. Then they throw shit tons of money at it to completely change it and make it something it never was supposed to be, and then on top of all that they become elitist, hipster moronic fags over something that would have been shunned by the predecessors from which it is derived.

Black metal doesn't want dignity, freedom, renewal, or hybridization. Dickheads like this idiot want those things because it is in our genetic makeup as Americans to fucking copy, bastardize, and ultimately ruin purity because we just can't fucking take the fact that someone invented something and does it better than us and that we're excluded from it. I'm not saying there aren't any good black metal bands in the US because there are, but shit like this is a fucking joke.
Also damn I didn't know people were liking the new Anthrax, I thought it was flat out terrible. I listened to it once while lifting because I thought it'd get me pumped up but the songs felt long, drawn out, no riffs stood out at me etc. I think there were 3 songs I enjoyed but that was about it; maybe I just need to give it another shot.

Well, it's not really a metal album. It's a really heavy rock record and if that's not your thing then you definitely won't like it. It's not really a motivational-sounding album. I mean, if you wanna get pumped and throw up weights, listen to Finale from State of Euphoria, not this album. This is driving, foot-tapping, head bobbing (not banging) heavy rock/metal.
Well, it's not really a metal album. It's a really heavy rock record and if that's not your thing then you definitely won't like it. It's not really a motivational-sounding album. I mean, if you wanna get pumped and throw up weights, listen to Finale from State of Euphoria, not this album. This is driving, foot-tapping, head bobbing (not banging) heavy rock/metal.

Sometimes genres just suck, and it's hard for me to tell what would be considered "hard rock" over generic "metal". Guns & Roses for example (Appetite) most would probably call Sleaze Rock, yet it was also called metal by just as many. Alice in Chains was obviously metal on the first album, but then progressively morphed into something else that still had a metal backbone. Much of the crap that you would hear in the early to mid 80's would barely pass as hard rock today, yet much of it was labeled metal.

I never considered SoWN "thrash", but I also never thought of it as "hard rock" either. Save that for the black album; but even that album had many moments that were well above just hard rock.

Also, whoever thinks some of the earlier Anthrax albums suck as well needs to get their fucking ears cleaned. I'm not even a huge Anthrax fan at all, but they wrote a ton of great songs in the early days.

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Among the Living never did anything for me. I don't know what the big deal is over that's boring as shit. Persistence of Time and SOWN pisses all over it. I think people give it more credit than it's due because it WAS a huge step forward from Spreading the Disease.

That's like saying the black album was the best Metallica album. Yes, it's a great album but there are at least two others that leave it in the dust.