say something about ... yourself!

Weeds really took a dive after season 3. it was great up till that point but then during season 4 it started getting really out there and ridiculous and i stopped watching it by 5. nancy is nowhere near as smart as she thinks she is, and has only managed to not get killed by opening her legs to every dude she meets. yes, all these people are flawed, walter's pride causes him a lot of problems, but nancy is really a fuckin airhead. first 3 seasons were really good though, kevin nealon rules.
FUCK THIS MEDICAL INSURANCE BULLSHIT. I'm so tired of this, I mean what the fucking hell. i went to get a prescription filled today and I swear I fucking battle this every single time I want to do something due to something being wrong with it. i don't care if they instill obamacare, socialism, or whatever the fuck term those conservative knob gobblers want to call it, but I want medical insurance that is either free or simple in that you pay a fee each month, AND YOU'RE FUCKING COVERED. now I have to wait until friday so I can get a copy of a new card I was supposed to receive and until then I just won't have my medication; if it were life threatening I'd be even more pissed.

i doubt the free market is so essential to fucking health insurance; oh noez they won't be able to set up their stupid monopoly with the drug manufacteurers, won't be able to fuck people out of care and won't strive to make prices "low" by cutting the shit out of services. it manages to work in other countries from what i've seen with less of a headache and some humanity, and i'm not saying other places are perfect, but whatever we have here is FUCKED and needs to DIE. I was so close to just fucking reaching over and grabbing a bottle out of sheer rage that it was ridiculous. companies and bullshit bureaucracies like this can choke on my cock.
free healthcare would be nice, but i'd even settle for just some plan where you pay a set fee once a month and that's it, the rest being covered by taxes or something (haven't exactly sat down and worked out a plan, i'm just furious). the whole excuse of the free market and needing competition for innovation is bullshit in this case, because it just makes them try to fuck you out of coverage 24/7, cut costs to lower prices (and yet still most of the time keep them high like fartknockers), and essentially fuck everyone over. i seriously hate it and this is one of the main areas where i think we need to really fucking change it no matter what, because this system works for no one except maybe high powered execs with insane company health plans, and even for them it can be tough if they have some obscure problem or thing a plan won't cover (so they better hope they can buy their way into more advanced care). fucking hell.
Explain why free healthcare doesn't work without using right-wing propaganda.



Do you know what would happen in the US if people received "free" healthcare? I say "free" because it's not "free" anywhere in the world, but rather "subsidized".

All the right wing nutjobs (who vote for right wing politicians who don't even care about their constituents and have nothing whatsoever in common with them) would bitch and moan and call everyone socialists until they asked their neighbor about how they could afford a new house and a new car when health insurance is so expensive for a family of four. When said neighbor says, "I don't pay health insurance, I use the free health care plan from the government", the nutjob will gasp, be taken aback, and then disagree and grumble about how it's socialism and how they would never do it. They will then go back inside their house and think about it for the next several days, and as they will clearly see how much better their neighbor's quality of life is than their own, they will eventually succumb to it because the most important thing for Americans is buying shit to show off to their friends. If the gov't wants to sell this health care reform, they need to put it in layman's terms. If you choose free health care, you can afford that Mustang Cobra you've always wanted. Americans will be all over that shit like white on rice on a paper plate in the snow.

If you can explain to them that they can get a new car every five years and a new tv every 3 or 4 or a new computer every few years without breaking their wallet due to the government's health care plan, they'll do it...idealism will go right out the window and consumerism will take hold again. After a few years pass, they won't even remember why they objected in the first place and this whole hubbub will die down. Europe will then welcome them to the 19th century. Americans need to realize that pragmatism works, and idealism only works if you can afford to be wrong, which is why you'll notice the right wingers in the US who are so idealistic and are so vehemently against this are all people with enough money to buy a small country.

I also pose this question to the people who "support the troops" and love to tie in how "they're fighting for your freedom" relates to somehow protecting the US from socialized medicine: do you realize that most of said troops joined the military in the first place for the benefits of the military, SUCH AS FREE HEALTH CARE?!?!?! So when you call people who want healthcare reform "communists" or "socialists", do you realize you're also slagging the military you love to name drop so much with your cute little yellow ribbons and catchy bumper sticker slogans? The military has free health care, so if you're saying it's not good enough for you to have free health care, are you saying that the military should pay for their own health insurance then? (Actually it DOES pay for it's own insurance, it's just paid for by the government with a small co-pay by the member) According to you it's a terrible system and is bad for the country, so does that mean that you're ok with the military getting free health care and not you? If you "support the troops", then don't you think that if it's good enough for them it should be good enough for you? And by the way, health care in the military is great.

This isn't directed at anyone in particular, just the consensus of naysayers.
What would you do with an extra $500 bucks a month for your family of four? You're paying anywhere between $500-$1000 dollars per month on health care AND YOU'RE NOT EVEN SURE IF YOU'LL BE COVERED IF YOU GET REALLY SICK. On top of that, what if you rarely get sick? Let's say you go 5 years without having to go to the hospital for more than a flu much money is that? In five years, that's over $35,000 you've saved for your family IF you only pay $500 per month. I know people who pay $700 and up per month for their insurance.

The fact that people don't want this for the betterment of their country makes me immediately hope for their demise and hope they get sick and have to suffer and die because they would rather pay exorbitant medical bills than have medicine socialized. Here's a clue: the fees and cost of medicine WILL NEVER GO DOWN, ONLY UP. Have fun losing your house and not being able to send your kids to college if you get cancer.
If they'd stop voting for parties with such a predilection for de-regulating the financial sector, then there would be chunk of money not wasted on bailouts which could be used to provide healthcare.

I'm not sure there has ever been a group of voters who consistently vote for the party that will work AGAINST everything they apparently stand for, as is true for the GOP.
The US government can't afford to fund it?

I don't know, obviously I'm uneducated, that's just an honest guess.

Don't need to be educated to be smart, John, and you certainly don't need to be educated to have an opinion.

An education can provide with you information, but it rarely provides you with a framework for interpreting and dealing with the world and other people (which it rightfully should). Smart people have the equipment already in place, so you don't need an education to get it.
If they'd stop voting for parties with such a predilection for de-regulating the financial sector, then there would be chunk of money not wasted on bailouts which could be used to provide healthcare.

I'm not sure there has ever been a group of voters who consistently vote for the party that will work AGAINST everything they apparently stand for, as is true for the GOP.

Precisely. The GOP base is quite literally a group of mentally deficient people who don't even know what they're voting for or the implications of one of their party members actually making it to the White House. I really do think they must be the most ignorant group of people on the planet. They will ignore anything that goes against their impression of what is factual without even asking the question. The GOP counts on this willful ignorance and that's actually what gets them elected.

When the US finally lets go of the title of superpower (and it will sooner or later, even though it won't cease to be one), only then will things improve. The US is like a popular high schooler who is trying to get into a good college but who has morons for friends; he wants to make the right decisions for the betterment of his future but he's torn between the right thing and the popular thing to do among his peers. It's time for a power shift in the world. I think the US is reticent to let go of this dominant presence because they feel that they will be replaced by another dominant power like Russia or China, especially in Europe, but that will never happen. If we can cut down on our imperialistic view of the world and not only end both wars but end the diffusion of forces around the world for no valid reason, there will be so much more money left for health care, education, the economy, and even THE MILITARY.

Bottom line, the US CAN afford health care, it just doesn't want to. For so long it has had its cake and has eaten it as well, but now it must choose...and most of the people on the right who think Europe is a country and that Iraq and Afghanistan are neighboring countries are the ones who will be electing the officials who will be doing the choosing. Scary thought.

Go get 'em, Tiger.