say something about ... yourself!

^ Well said.

I found this pic of my dad, I was like 3 , but he was such a badass. I just wanted to share because I thought it was cool.

Good god that picture looks so much like my sister's father. What makes it even more hilarious is that my sister found a bunch of old pictures of him from before she was born, and he had been living with my mother and I for a few years, and said that to her he looked like some kind of porn star. I have no idea why she would say that, because he always just looked like some kind of dorky businessman to me...

In other news, today I found out that my cousin is an INTJ, just like myself. Hearing her describe the way she handles herself, or the way other people perceive her was like talking to myself. No wonder we never had a problem communicating with each other growing up, yet had issues with pretty much everyone else. No one seemed to understand what the hell we were talking about, and those around us seemed to need every little detail explained before they simply "got it"--even though we both perfectly understood what the other meant.
I've been listening to a lot of Danzig lately, and I still believe that his best album is 4. The new one is pretty cool but still doesn't compare with Dominion, Until You Call on the Dark, and I Don't Mind the Pain.

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4 is really good but its maybe a teeny bit long/meandering in some spots. 1-3 are just fuckin flawless, with 2 probably being my favorite. long way back from hell, snakes of christ, her black wings, devils plaything, 777, blood and tears, pain in the world, the hits just keep comin!!
havent really gotten into anything past 4. 5 was kinda weird and my friend who got me into danzig said the rest arent really worth the time, am i missing out on anything?
The new one's pretty decent, Deth Red Sabaoth. It's a bit more groovy and bluesy, almost like old Danzig. I really dig Ju Ju Bone and a few others. There's an unedited version where all the strippers are'sa vereh nassuh!

havent really gotten into anything past 4. 5 was kinda weird and my friend who got me into danzig said the rest arent really worth the time, am i missing out on anything?

5's for sure his worst, BUT there's a track or two on there I really like, which later I happened to find out Jerry Cantrell was involved with (so that likely explains why they stand out from the other tracks)


the albums get slightly better with each release up to the new one which is almost classic Danzig, almost. You really could go with not hearing any of the albums between then and now, but they have their moments.

edit: this one's decent too, with Cantrell

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Danzig has already said he wants to do a blues album with Jerry Cantrell...I think it would fucking rule.

Seriously, the new one really IS almost classic Danzig. It's not as anthemic, but there are some songs straight off of How the Gods Kill and 4.

These two are a couple of the best on the new album...I was really impressed. Part 1 reminds me of his Black Aria classical album and Part 2 is straight outta Danzig III.

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seems everyone endorses the new one, ill check it out beyond cruddy youtubes

more danzig/cantrell collaboration could be cool, there are plenty of sabbath songs that could be redone with filthy lyrics