Good god that picture looks so much like my sister's father. What makes it even more hilarious is that my sister found a bunch of old pictures of him from before she was born, and he had been living with my mother and I for a few years, and said that to her he looked like some kind of porn star. I have no idea why she would say that, because he always just looked like some kind of dorky businessman to me...
In other news, today I found out that my cousin is an INTJ, just like myself. Hearing her describe the way she handles herself, or the way other people perceive her was like talking to myself. No wonder we never had a problem communicating with each other growing up, yet had issues with pretty much everyone else. No one seemed to understand what the hell we were talking about, and those around us seemed to need every little detail explained before they simply "got it"--even though we both perfectly understood what the other meant.