So yeah, I'm not religious at all--tried dabbling with all the wicca/magick bullshit when I was younger of course, but something happened to me over the last two weeks that cannot just be happenstance. It's too focused at this specific point in time, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I don't really feel like elaborating too much on some open forum over the internet, but I'll try to leave the vague CliffsNotes version to give you an idea of how much of a mindblower this is.
Basically, exactly two weeks ago I had this sudden urge to contact some relatives that I've not spoken to in over two decades. I really wasn't "missing" them or anything like that, it was more for academic reasons, as well as a little bit of spite, but decided to let sleeping dogs lie. A few nights later I have some random dream that I walked four states away to their house, and we are all nonchalantly sitting at a round dinner table ignoring the fact that I had never even met most of the people there, or those that I did know I had not spoken with since around 1990. There was obviously some other, more important issue at hand. Of course, right before it's revealed I wake up.
Fast forward a few more nights, and I'm driving around with my best friend, telling him about the dream among other things. I was talking about another particular person who had been very important in most of my life--much more like a parent than my actual parents. I have not really spoken to this person for around ten years due to them having a personal crisis of sorts and it affecting everyone closest to them. (Urg, there's so much more to this story...).
Anyway, I had not thought about this particular person, or spoke about them this much in a few years. Not only did I mention them once to one best friend, but the next day I mention them to another. It just felt so spontaneous. I have also never felt or cared about the other party involved that I had not spoken with in over two decades, yet feel compelled to reach out to them too? Nothing out of sorts was happening in my life that I knew of, so it's not like I was having some breakdown and needed to contact family members or anything.
So I get up yesterday to see eight missed calls on my phone. I assumed that it was either an emergency from my best friend, or he was simply bored and wanted to talk while at work, which often is the case. When I listened to the messages my mind was completely blown. Not only was it the person I was very close with that we had just been talking about, but they are telling me that another relative who I had not seen since I was five had died on August 13th...which was
the exact day I started heavily thinking about random and distant relatives that I never think about--for no particular reason. The person who was contacting me really had nothing to do with either of the other parties either and was simply trying to get ahold of me to let me know what had happened (they had been searching for me for over a week and a half...), because someone else was searching for me as well and came across their number.
I believe that many, if not most things are simple coincidences, but come on. This is just way too focused at a specific point in time and with too many disperate variables to be just that.