say something about ... yourself!

no, there is no coffee there to piss into, sadly.

basically, as with most retail places, we have to hock lame company-things to customers (overpriced discount cards, magazines, etc). so im at the register and my asst manager says to me "make sure you're asking people about backstage passes" (backstage passes are the fye discount cards ... relating it to music - clever, i guess). i think "fine, whatever" go to ring this woman up, ring her stuff up... am not very talkative or anything to her, as i'm tired from home depot training earlier and getting called into the place that evening, but just treat her like i would any other customer.
that lady leaves, my asst manager comes up to me asking if i asked her about the discount card, magazine, i tell her that i didn't, as the lady was buying a $8 cd and 100% of the people i ask realize that spending $25 extra with that for a discount card is fucking retarded. so after hearing that, my manager looks worried, says that she thinks that woman was a secret shopper who was in the store a month ago, as she was asking my asst manager for the same thing (a hannah montana cd for ther neice) both times and gave a bad report saying she wasn't asked about the card or magazines at the register.

so yeah... chances are that was the same woman, she'll give a bad report because i'm fucking retarded, it'll reflect back on my manager who will then have 2 shitty "secret shoppers" in a row. the company is just really shitty as a whole (they fired my former manager who'd been working for them for 15 yrs because we didn't sell enough cards or magazines under her and she had some bad secret shops, even though the store i work at has been doing way better than most others ... they just fuck people over and there's too much bullshit to deal with)
when your manager asks you if you pushed the company add ons you say 'yeh, they didnt want it' cause 99% of the people dont anyway. and if it comes back on you later just deny it all.
Being a secret shopper sounds like the sweet life though.

Buying Hannah Montana CDs, reporting slackers..... yeah, good times.
yeh, cause a middle aged lady buying a hanna montana cd for her niece is really the kind of hardcore music buyer that the discount card is aimed at.