say something about ... yourself!

He could have bad songs, a stale band, be going bald, have a job that sucks, and be dating.... ok, well 4/5 isn't bad. (Sorry Laura, I had to.)
would they usually make a big deal out of a lil ticket?

Back in the day, my dad would get really hot-headed over things that made him angry. This was further fueled by my rebellious sister. It's hard to explain unless you have the same kind of parent.

Dave - I drove down a one way street (in the wrong direction) going to my friend's house in Baltimore/south Towson. Unfortunately, the ticket's $90 plus the court fee as I've been advised to take it that far.

Laura - :(
Dave - I drove down a one way street (in the wrong direction) going to my friend's house in Baltimore/south Towson. Unfortunately, the ticket's $90 plus the court fee as I've been advised to take it that far.

I did that once on accident a few years ago. That's why I really hate driving new places without someone next to me that posses common sense.
I feel pretty not that fine at the moment too. Hmph, except I am definitely not feeling emptiness, well maybe it is emptiness, but I'm just sort of a mess... a weepy... mess. With no other explanations. Although for some reason, I just went on a 2 hour long adventure with my best friend- she knew I was out of sorts.

It sort of cured me. We went and got slurpees (I know, disgusting but... sometimes it's all there is haha)... we listened to some good music, drove around, found all these weird shortcuts behind these strange landmarks in our area, explored a park in the dark, etc. Strange things.

But then when I got home, I just feel all sad again, and I called John and then realized he's sleeping... ::sniffs:: I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

I know exactly what you mean. I hate to say it may be a woman-thing, but only because guys aren't too open about sharing things kinds of thing. (thing thing thingyy thi-thing thing)

The best advice I can give is to just sit and cry. Light some candles and have a go. Then watch this:

Hmm... * Recurrent brief depression (RBD) is distinguished from clinical depression primarily by differences in duration. Patients with RBD have depressive episodes about once per month, with individual episodes lasting less than two weeks and typically less than 2–3 days. Diagnosis of RBD requires that the episodes occur over the span of at least one year and, in female patients, independently of the menstrual cycle. People with clinical depression can develop RBD, and vice versa, with both illnesses having similar risks.[14]


Although there is...

Dysthymia is a chronic, mild depression in which a person suffers from a depressive mood almost daily over a span of at least two years without episodes of major depression. The symptoms are not as severe as those for major depression, although people with dysthymia are vulnerable to co-occurring episodes of major depression (sometimes referred to as "double depression")

Has #2. ^ It's very low level and hard to notice even by myself a lot of times.

Why thanks :)

I'm not sure if it's either really. Actually, when I get moody it usually does have something to do with hormones but... this is really different, mostly because I can sort of pin point the things, but it's the general feeling I have that I can't really put my finger on... Just a bunch of things I'm trying to sort out, make sense of, keeping said fingers crossed and just hoping for the best I suppose. And in the mean while... just trying to hold it down. Haha. But you'd think I'd be able to say "Well I'm sad" or "I'm stressed" but I'm just sort of crying... uncontrollably? That makes no sense. I am aware ;)
Aww thank you there for the e-cuddle haha. I've expressed my depressed little relationship problem mopeyness on the board before, but there are psychotic legitimate crazy things going on. I mean it's life, yeah, it happens, bad shit happens, etc. But thanks for the words peoples, it really made me smile. Just... uhh keep your fingers crossed kids. Even though I can't tell you why haha.