say something about ... yourself!


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I've been calling repeatedly.

Keep in mind he did go to work at 6 am this morning on one hour of sleep, and had to work until 6 pm. "he thought he was going in at 6 pm", so theres a good chance he's just exhausted. But it's the fact that he deleted his myspace that has me worried.
I've done an insane amount of walking this weekend. I'm worried it's going to make me thinner. No gas money ftw.

Most guys I know wouldn't be afraid of losing some pounds. But I know it sucks when you're hulking up! Last time I was laying in the hospital it drove me fuckin nuts that I couldn't work out. :lol:
Right now (having a hangover), I'm seriously considering to stop drinking again (did that before for about a year when I was 17-18). I'm absolutely not a heavy drinker anymore but it just doesn't make any fun anymore. All those hangovers and crap... it's just not worth it. Yeah, I think I'm done.
I fucking hate dst... I always end up having to pull 36hr awake so my body adjusts correctly, other wise my sleep schedule gets really weird.